chapter 5

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Shikamaru sat and smoked by the bed. The room was silent, unusual because Naruto was one of the only two people in the room. 

"Whats up with you" Shikamaru said nonchalantly, though worry tinged on each word.

Naruto shrugged, Shikamaru sighed

"I wont  push you, but i'm right here" he pushed open the wooden door and walked out 

Shikamaru was smart, you couldn't get past him. 

Naruto hit the pillow with a thud. 

"Go talk to Uchiha" Kurama muttered in the blonde boys head 

"Maybe later" 

The fox tsked. 

Naruto got up to walk around.

He wasnt in his bright orange outfit, rather a plain t shirt and loose, straight leg pants.

He hoped no one would talk to him. 

He was just trying to shake off this feeling. The feeling that had been nagging at him since childhood. 

Maybe now he just didn't have the strength to ignore it.

His left leg dragged behind him slightly as he roamed the halls. The florescent lights burned his eyes. He hated hospitals. He wanted to go home. Home was all he could seem to think about. 

Home however wasn't a place, home was Sasuke. 

He grabbed the wall as all the feeling crashed onto him. He had been pushing the thought away for too long, and it came back even stronger. Naruto loved Sasuke. As much as he tried to blame his feelings on some mere friendship, he knew it was much more.

Naruto loved Sasuke. Naruto could not find Sasuke. Naruto could give up right now. 

His lips took in a shaky breath. 

The door in front of his opened. 

Sasuke came out of the door in front of him. 

The two made made eye contact for a few seconds. 

Sasuke too noticed something missing from the blonde boys face. 

His eyes.

 The brilliant blue had faded into a dull grey. He was still beautiful. 

Sasuke had a strong feeling this was his fault.

"Dob-" Sasuke had started, but Naruto had already crashed into his chest.



love you all. leave me some suggestions. i have a general idea of where the story is going, but would love your suggestions. 

best regards, -a </3

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