Chapter 5

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Another week sped by filled with mountains of school assignments. Penelope frequently switched between the Gryffindor common room, Head common room, and the library, depending on the day, to work. If Seamus held a storytelling night in their shared common room then she would make herself comfortable in the Head common room. If Theo and Draco parked themselves in Head common room then the library became her last resort, and often becoming her only option. Sometimes her luck would be bad enough to find Draco located in a secluded section of the library scribbling away at, what Penelope assumed was, his homework. 

There were a few occurrences where Penelope would be one of the few remaining at the library late at night alongside Draco, his head usually tucked away in a book while his quill trailed along a piece of parchment. At times his hands would run through his hair as he laid back in his chair, letting out a puff of air as if he were holding it in—a bit of an odd sight for Penelope when she was used to seeing a cloud of smoke escape when he did. 

Potions that week contained many compliments towards Draco, creating a few dirty looks from Hermione and silence from Penelope. Hermione was also receiving her fair share, as well as Penelope, but it seemed Draco was becoming one of Professor Slughorn's favorites. While it was repulsive to think Draco was a favorite student for a teacher, especially for her favorite class, she rather enjoyed the competition. On top of all her other work, she now began studying the in-class assignment for Potions a week in advance, like how she assumed Draco was doing. 

Defense Against the Dark Arts that week was a review of jinxes they had learned over their years at Hogwarts. Dixon propped herself on her desk and began asking questions to the students. Most were simple since they were learned from their early years but a few hadn't been learned yet, most of which were asked directly at Penelope. Penelope was able to answer most but slipped on one, causing a smirk to appear on the professor's face and created a few laughs from the Slytherins sitting in the back. Relief came only when Hermione was unable to answer the question.

Later that day, students were allowed the option to go to Hogsmeade; the students changed and met outside in one of the courtyards for McGonagall to release them. They were informed a few Aurors would be wandering Hogsmeade but they had already checked the area for suspicious activity, relieving the anxiety of a few Ravenclaw students. Once released, an Auror traveled with the group down.

"That should be me," Seamus huffed, nodding his head in the direction of the Auror.

"Not everyone can be like Harry and Ron," Neville said, sympathetically. Seamus followed Neville's comment with a groan. 

"What's so special—." Before Seamus could finish, Ginny slapped his arm.

Once the students arrived, they began splitting off; Hermione, Ginny, and Penelope strode along the pavement till they reached the few shops they wanted to get a few things from. Penelope picked up a new quill since hers was becoming worn down, Hermione picked up the book about the Wizarding War she had heard about at the Slug Club dinner, and Ginny bought a few sweets.

After, the girls walked up to the Three Broomsticks where they told the others they would meet them. Only a few steps in the door, Hermione shouted and ran over to a man dressed in all black with bright red hair.

Ron engulfed Hermione into a hug, wrapping her tightly, unwilling to let go. Ron pulled away and cupped her cheeks and planted his lips on hers. After moments, they parted and laughed as they gazed into each other's eyes. 

"Penelope! Ginny!" Ron called out after, looking at the two girls left at the entrance. Penelope and Ginny ran over and hugged the Auror.

"Ron! I didn't know you'd be here!" Hermione laughed.

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