Chapter 2 The Prank On Father

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Father looked more anxious and panicked than ever before. "What???!!!!Really???!!!!" father screamed,leaning forward,nearly wobbling out of the nest. "Move! Let me have a look," father said, hopping down from the rim of the nest.

My mother, Kawi, meanwhile stood up and took a few steps back and carefully avoided stepping on the three white bluish eggs that were clutched together in a little triangle. While my father,Indus,stepped forward and ducked his head to make observations. His big dark brown eyes surveying his soon to be children. However,made an annoying discovery instead.

There wasn't a single crack on one of the eggs. None of them even started to hatch. His mate pranked him as if Kawi was trying to get back at Indus.

" Woi! What gives?" said father in an irritated tone. Now it was his turn to feel the frustration his mate gave him. Hehe!

Mother threw her head back and laughed so loud that their bigger neighbors, a pair of white bellied sea eagles and their two chicks that made their nest in a higher tree not that far away from my parents's were startled by her laughter.Their nest was also bigger than Indus's and Kawi's and seemed to be built with the same material, sticks. One of the chicks that was surprised the most fainted. His sister nudged him as if wanting to make sure he was dead and wondering if she could eat him. But it was definitely to late to start eating him now as her brother grew conscious once more soon after. His mother helping him to sit up again by gently pushing his head up with her beak. The brother chirped furiously at his younger sister for trying to eat him.

This time, it was their slightly smaller father that had to calm him down by standing in between them before lowering his head and pushing the brother away gently with his beak until he was right next to him and out of reach from his sister, separating the siblings for a while.

The cloud colored family looked on with puzzled and confused expressions down at their smaller and browner neighbors. Wondering what was all the commotion about that made their usually quiet neighbor laughed so loudly.

Some of shorebirds below jumped and flapped their wings in surprise while others who were alarmed the most immediately flew away. A few curious birds on the beach wondered with questions in their head of who made that enormous laugh.Some didn't care and went back to pecking the sandy floor with their beaks.

"Y-You should have seen your face! It was to perfect for me.Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!" mother kept on laughing while father was sulking and mumbling to himself. He definitely wasn't pleased with the prank.

"How long has it been since I laughed this much? Thanks my dear Indus for giving me this present. It's been so long." Kawi laughed so much and hard that she tumbled down backwards,colliding her back against the nest's wall. The hard stick surface didn't seem to hurt her though.

"Come on! It wasn't that funny,"  father protested. He was still cross of course.

Mother's laughter on the other talon was beginning to die down until it finally halted moments after.

" Oh...yes,it w-was ," mother insisted,panting between words.She was trying to catch her breath after such a heartily laugh. She waited for a while for the panting to slow down.

Meanwhile, Indus had his eyes shut tightly and his head turned away, dodging eye contact with mother, just like she did.

"Well, it wasn't funny when you joked about me starving to death because of your selfishness! Serves you right indeed!" said mother.

"Oooooh,What???!!!!Really???!!!!" mother was mocking him by impersonating what he said and his hilarious expressions. In the hopes of teaching him a lesson.

However, the fun was cut short.

When Kawi turned to look at the eggs, she gasped again. This time she looked purely shocked. Her mate still had his eyes closed, turning a blind eye to her. Probably because he thought that she was pulling his leg again with her acting. "Dear, look!" she sounded as if she was really terrified this time.

"What is it this time?" Indus was still irritated,but still turned his head around. "If you were trying to get back at me again, think again becaus-," he paused mid sentence just as he offered to take a slight peek at mother and realized it was true and followed her gaze to look at the eggs once more and turned just as surprised and shocked as she.

It wasn't a hoax this time as the eggs showed what it seems like little cracks on their shells.

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