There's No Way I Can Get Over Her (part 5)

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======================Oliver's POV========================

I arrived at the venue an hour before I was supposed to. I was so nervous I couldn't hold the guitar properly. I sat down, closed my eyes and remembered what Sara did earlier to calm me down. Inhale... Exhale... Inhale... Everything is going to be fine... I wish she was next to me. She has a way with me that can calm my worst moods and my biggest worries. I texted my brother and asked him to stay away from Sara tonight so I could join her later and share a moment with her. He agreed and told the rest of the group.
I wrote the song we were going to play a few months back, when Sara had a crush on my brother. She since told me that her feelings for him faded, but I decided to leave the more specific lyrics to show her that I liked her then and that I am still in love with her. And tonight was going to be the night I lay out my heart.

"You ready, sweetheart?"

The rest of the band had arrived. I exhaled sharply, smiled and nodded. We practiced a couple of times and took a break before the start of the show.

"How are you feeling?"

"Nervous. They are lyrics I wanted to share with her for a while, and I'm glad I have your support. Also, your voice is way better than mine."

"Aren't you the sweetest." Sky said while ruffling my hair. "She's going to like it, no doubt. Can't believe our little baby's heart finally softened. She must really be something else."

"She is."

The host suddenly appeared in the break room.

"Alright bands! 10 minutes until show time!"

"Omg it's happening!"

"Relax Oliver! You got this!"

As the bands performed, I couldn't stop fidgeting with the guitar strap. What if she rejects me? Will I be able to get over it? I mean the song I wrote reflected the state I was in when Sara had feelings for Joe and, at the moment, I felt like I was slowly dying. I felt like it was the most effective way to pour my heart out, to accurately describe how I felt and to show that I still loved her. It is too late to back up now and, anyway, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

"Please, give a round of applause to The Starfighters!"

"That's us! Come on guys let's kill it!"

The moment I set foot on the stage, my nervousness somehow disappeared. I just wanted to tell everyone that I am in love with that dork who lived in front of my apartment. That girl who, just a few weeks earlier, couldn't do basic maths operations without rage quitting. That girl who asked to kiss me at the subway station a few months back. I tried to look for her in the crowd but the lights were blinding and I couldn't see past the first row. I called for Sky.

"Hey I'd like to make a small announcement before we start."

"The stage is yours, sweetheart."

She hugged me and gave me the mike.

"This song was written to a special someone. I hope it finds her well. Here's There's No Way I Can Get Over Her."

I gave back the mike to Sky. She looked at me, smiled and squeezed my arm. I was ready to pour my heart and soul to the girl I love.

1... 2... 1, 2, 3, 4. I started playing on cue, stroking the chords and feeling the melody rise from the instruments to find its way to Sara's ears. I could imagine her here, smiling at me. It felt like I was alone in the room with her. I snapped out of my trance and locked eyes with Sky who started to sing.

"She's killing me slowly with her love and kindness
Making me want to be the light in the darkness
She's hitting me with her smile, she shines
I know that she will never be mine
It hurts, the pain of never being hers

She's killing me slowly with her lovely eyes
When she looks at me a part of me dies.
And my heart breaks and bleeds with me
She's hitting me hard with reality
Her heart is taken by the cool guy

Sometimes I feel like I'm nothing but a neighbour
Sometimes I feel like I am nothing but her tutor
They say If someone is worth it, they'll wait
I gave her Patience, I thought it was fate
but it's all in vain, turns out i was late

She's killing me slowly with her love and kindness
I always miss her, she's my happiness
She's hitting me still, will i ever break free
With just the way She's got a hold on me
oh my oh she's killing me slowly
She's killing me slowly

I fingerpicked the final notes on the guitar and let the sound fade until the cheers of the crowd broke the silence. I did it. There was no turning back. And I didn't want to turn back. I wanted to see her right at this moment. We quickly bowed and exited the stage. Then I grabbed my phone to text Joe but was greeted with one from him instead.

"We lost sight of Sara! We looked everywhere and she's not answering her phone!"

"No one was keeping an eye on her??"

"We were all watching you. We got so caught up in the music that we lost track of who was supposed to keep an eye on her! We're going to double check and see if we can find her."

I was at a loss of words. Where could she be? Was she ok? Was she gone because of me? Was she embarrassed and didn't know how to reject me? Does she hate me now? I don't want her to hate me! But I had to make sure she was ok. I joined the search team and double checked every corner of the venue. She was nowhere to be found. Maybe she got home early? But why would she? And why wasn't she answering our texts and calls? The event was still roaring but I decided to go out and look for her. I went straight to our building, hoping she would be here, and tried to call her a few times.

"Come on Sara, pick up! I just need to know that you're alright, please!"

I reached the building quicker than I ever did which was surprising because I was no runner. Cardio quit on me the minute I was born and I never saw it again. But I somehow managed to jump the flight of stairs 3x3 and got to our floor in a record time. In the blink of an eye, I was in front of her apartment. I tapped lightly on the door.


No response. Worried, I tapped harder.

"Sara, please tell me you're here and well!"

After a few seconds, I heard light steps and a light thud at the door.

"Please leave."

(A.N.: Yoooo! Hope y'all are doing great. Here's the 4th chapter seen from Oliver's POV. Next chapter will be published before the new TKB episode AND OH BOY AM I EXCITED! I don't have Fast Pass so I've been stuck with some of y'all at the double cliffhanger XD!  Anyways. Be good, eat your fruits and veggies, drink your water and stay awesome :)! 

PS. Next chapter has hella dialog and would be better portrayed in a comic but yo girl here can't draw for crap. I have two left hands, two left feet and like two left eyelashes. I tried my best to make it work, and I'm still working on it lmao  ALSO HAPPY SARA LIN APPRECIATION WEEK!! ok ok peace!)

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