I thought he hurt you..

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Infinitys P.O.V

I woke up next to an empty space next to me.

I called out for Justin but nobody answered

I got scared...What if Jason hurt him and nows he gonna hurt me

I felt my eyes water ...call me a baby I don't care. I lived most of my life getting beating... And I don't wanna get beatin to death by Jason

I thought of the horrible thought of me getting beatin by him

Now I was balling my eyes out.

The door swung open and I saw The figure of Jason

"No please don't hurt me ..I'm sorry" I began to whimper

"Infinity it's me Justin...what's wrong" he sat something on the bed and sat next to me

"I thought he hurt you" my lips began to quiver

"Infinity Jason can't hurt me ...nether can he hurt you...here I brought you something to eat"

He handed me a plate of bacon eggs and toast 

"Where's Jason"

I took the plate and eat a piece of bacon

"I don't know he left last night and didn't came back"

"Oh" I finished eating my food and gave my plate to him


He smiled "its okay I knew you were hungry"

He stood up and went by the door

"Were are you going" I asked him not wanting him to leave

"I'm just gonna put your plate in the kitchen and get your bag..I'll be back and maybe we can just talk" he went out the door and closed it

I sat on the bed thinking about everything that's happened to me I miss my family..

I sat on my hospital bed bawling my eyes out
"I Can't Believe my family is gone." I cried out
The door knocked and flew open
"Hey Infinity"
It was my docter with some people following behind him
I mumbled a quick hey and went back to crying
"These are the people from the orphanage ...their here to take you since your parents didn't have nobody that would take you"

I cried and cried I didn't care bout nobody right I just want my family

"Infinity?" I heard Justin's voice

And  snapped away from my flash back

"Yes" I replied noticing that I was crying again

"What's wrong?" He put my bag on the floor and sat next to me

"I was just thinking about my family ..buts its okay I....I just wanna lay down for awhile"

"Okay if you need me I'll be downstairs" He said as he got up and went to the door and left

I layed back on the bed and went into a peaceful sleep
Justin's P.O.V

I went downstairs and saw Jason Walk into the door

"Where is she" he asked me

"She in her room leave her alone" "Don't tell me what to do cunt" he spat at me

"Bitch" I muttered at him

He walked passed me and went upstairs

"Where are you going"  I followed him

"To Infinity's room"


Dun dun dunnn

I wonder what's gonna happen

Just kidding I already know hahahaha

Well I hope you like this update

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