Chapter 1

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     So here it is...You probably dont care to read about a girls life that sucks and how she falls in love with some kid from England, but there's a story behind this life that im living, this horrible , yet intresting life. So im new to Lion's rock High School and where i was raised the kids were different we weren't free to go to our classes alone , which sounds rediculios but we were all watched and taught together but in much larger classes.

      So as I walked in to the School I felt as

Though I was being judged by a thousand eyes a once . So I walked in with my head faced down and I literally was pushed every where I walked, but it didn't last long. I soon learned how the social list worked and how ranks were clasified. As i walked into first period I greeted the teacher and as most teachers do she introduced me to the class but I wasn't the only one being introduced , there was also a British boy named Harry from England , he had light green eyes, His hair was pushed to the side but he had much hair so it wasnt all pushed , and his acsent was perfect , I never thought I'd enjoy a British boys acsent until now. So during class I noticed that i wasn't all that focused . Was it because of him ? I wasn't sure but I couldn't focus on that situation I had work to do.

        So I decied to go along with my day, I went to my next classes and it was about time for lunch so as i went to lunch I seen Harry walking towards me, He started to wave but i turned away thinking he was talking to one of his friends so as i walked away he caught up to me and tapped on my shoulder and said , "hey Niara" and i said , "hi I dont think we've met yet" I was trying to play stupid as though he wasn't in my class . So he started to mention how we were in the same class and that he's not to fond of the school . Then he asked me if I new who he was and I said, "yeah Harry" and he said, "I'm actually in a Band called One Direction " I thought for a moment because i new i've heard of him before and I said , "Wow! That must be amazing " and by the look on his face he looked as though he was drained from being in the band.

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