Chapter 1

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I walked down the hall, running my fingers through my hair. New year, new day, and oh yeah, new school.

I didn't really want to leave my old school, but ever since my parents divorced everything's changed.

I reached the classroom and opened the door nervously, relaxing immediately when i saw the teacher. It was Alfie Wickers! Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad after all.

I scanned the classroom to see almost everyone asleep with their heads on the desk, except from a Chinese girl who was buried in her books, and a cute blonde boy, messing around with a paper aeroplane.

He looked up and opened his mouth, as if to say something, but i pressed my finger to my lips and he closed it. He cocked his head in confusion and watched me as i slowly crept towards the teacher, Alfie

I lifted my hand and smacked him right on the head yelling, "Morning Alf!"

"Mitchellllll" he groaned, "piss off, i told you i have a hangover"

"Oi!" the young blond bellowed "That's a girl you bellend, I'm Mitchell!"

"Good to know" i called to him, smirking as i looked him up and down.

A blush grew on his cheek and he turned around to whisper to the boy in a wheelchair behind him.

By this time Alfie was awake, and staring at me.

"Wait... Ella?!"

I grabbed him into a hug as i ruffled his hair. "Long time no see, huh?"

The boy at the front took a long puff of his inhaler and spoke, "Hey new girl, Im Joe." he then turned his attention to Alf, "Who is she Alfie, and hows she know you?"

"I'm Ella" i laughed "I grew up next door to Alf, he was my babysitter"

"Your parents trusted Alfie? With a child?" asked a young boy from the front row

"Yes Stephen" Alfie sighed, "Incase you hadn't noticed, i'm perfectly responsible enough to look after a child."

"Until you irish danced into my bedroom on fire, knocked me over and burnt down my kitchen that is?'

Alfie clapped a hand over my mouth whining "You promised not to tellllll"

"Alfie i was 5, i promised you id be a tooth fairy!" i laughed again

"Right, enough of this." he clapped his hands, "Ella, you can sit at the front here, or at the back beside Mitchell."

I walked down to the back of the class, unsure if he would even want me to sit beside him.

Confidence is key Ella, fake it til you make it and all that shit.

He watched as i slipped into the seat beside him, grinning slightly

"Since i already know your name"


About half an hour into class, Alfie left. Stephen came over, a stunning girl called Chantelle walking with him.

They all sat around my table and began to question me

"Are you a virgin?"
"bisexual, mitch, not the same"

that one got a gasp from chantelle, "so you've slept with a girl?"
"maybe i have, maybe i haven't" i laughed as i tapped my nose

Mitch looked quite taken aback, jealous almost? No, he couldn't be, he hardly knows me.

I got questioned some more, becoming firm friends with Chantelle Jing and Stephen.

"So, why'd you come to this shithole anyway then" the wheelchair boy, who i now knew to be Rem Dog, finally asked

"Parents got divorced" I shrugged "Dad still lives up by alfie but mum moved to some static home, caravan park, whatever it is, so this schools closer to there"

At the words 'Static Home' mitchell perked up

"You live in a static home??"
"Only sometimes Mitch, when i'm with my mum."
"By the forest behind the Nando's?"
"Uhh yeah?

He started grinning and i laughed. "Should i be scared of you? Stalker?"

"Nah, I live up there too, everyone thinks i'm a right gypo but it's cool"

I smiled, my heart racing. I'd only known this boy half an hour but he was well fit and i was crushing hard.

I went into a daydream and found my head on the desk as i drifted off, dreaming about god knows what.


Just as the gummy bear got sliced in half by a magic snake, i heard my name being called in the distance

"Ella, Ella, cmon get up"

I mumbled something and buried my head deeper into my arms, desperate to get back to my dream

I felt a hand grab my arm and lightly shake, and i sat up, yawning. Alfie was still nowhere to be seen.

"Cmon, we're gonna be late for english."
"Fuck." i said, grabbing my bag from under the table,
"Don't really wanna be late on your first day yano"

I grinned at him, "Hey, thanks for getting me up."

With that we walked out of history, my heart racing.

'He didn't just leave, he waited on me, he touched me! Ella stop. You're being dramatic. He's only being nice because i'm new' i thought to myself

I looked over to Mitchell and he smiled. He was so goddamn gorgeous.

"Where uh, where exactly is english?" i asked

He grabbed my timetable from my hand, brushing my fingers just enough to make me blush

"Score, we have the same english class, just follow me"

•agh! i hope you guys like this! i think it'll be slow burning, aiming to get them together around chapter 5-8 and about 20 chapters if i can!
•917  words

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