Ms. Ricch(A mother's role) P.2

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Ignoring what Roddy said, I headed downstairs and into the garage walking with one of Bri's dolls for her to play with incase the school nurse couldn't do much and I had to take him to the hospital. When I got to the school, it was around twelve thirty and lunch had been over twenty five minutes before. Navigating my way through the halls, I got to the office and upon entering I saw Bri comforting Jr. "Don't cry Jr." She said in her cute five year old tone, "mommy's gonna come get us".

My heart melted at the sight of the two of them as walked up to both of them and rubbed Jr.'s back causing him to look up at me as both he and Bri said "Mommy" and "Aunty "Y/n"(what did y'all call y'all step parents when y'all was younger? If y'all had any) as they both wrapped their arms around me before letting go, giving me a chance to crouch down and examine if he had any scars and to my surprize he really didn't have more than a few scratches and the school made it sound like Jr. had a broken limb. I was talking to them trying to find out what happened but Jr. kept quiet and I don't know why... but before I could try to get him to say anything an older boy with his parents behind him as they left the office and sat in the waiting area where we were. "Ms. Y/l/n the principal will see you and Rodrick now" the secretary said, "Do I have to leave Brianna out here?" I asked not wanting to leave her out here by herself. "No, you can take her with you if it makes you comfortable" the secretary said as I said a small thank you in response, I nudged Bri and Jr. to come on as I held the door for them to come in. "Ms. Y/l/n thank you so much for being here in place of Mr. Moore and Ms. Minati(I think)" the principal said as she offered the three of us a seat, Brianna sitting on the opposite side of the room paying us no attention as she tried to braid her barbie's hair. Ms. Brooks, the principal, had started explaining the situation and apparently the boy who picked on jr. has been reported before to have been in fights and even damaged children but his grandparents invest in the school so they fear giving him any punishment, she sat in front of me explainig all this shit and when she was done explaining I looked her dead in the face for five seconds before asking in a calm tone"So, what you're trying to tell me Ms. Brooks is that even if he had gravely injured Junior the school wouldn't do anything but call us and tell me this ?". "Ms. Y/l/n can you please understand the situation" she said with pleading eyes but I didn't care this is children we were talking about, this is Junior we were talking about. "Ms. Brooks do you have kids?" I asked trying to get a perspective other than this professional one she was giving me, "Yes, Ms. Y/l/n, they are about Rodrick's age" she said."Ms. Brooks, how would you feel if this were to happen to one of them and nothing would be done about it?" I asked (I was lowkey sounding karen-ish but idgaf). "Ms.Y/l/n I'd most likely be showing the same emotions as you right now" she replied, finally seeing my frustration. Deciding to switch the topic, I asked, "Do you know why the fight started?", "Neither, Rodrick or Joshua(the other student) is giving information and the only way we can talk to Joshua's grandparents is if we know why the fight started" she said. For the first time the entire conversation we both looked down at Junior and I said "Jr. baby, the only way Aunty and Ms. Brooks can help you is if you tell us what happened" I said in a soothing voice while looking at him rubbing his back to try and get an answer out of him "I c-c-can't" Jr. said in an almost whisper as a tear trickled down his face. I wiped his tear and continued rubbing his back comforting him as Ms. Brooks glanced Jr.'s way with a worried look "did he say he would do something to you if you told Rodrick?" Ms. Brooks asked furrowing her eyebrows in worry as she opened a notepad and got a pen, most likely about to write down whatever Jr. said. "Junior, he can't do anything to you baby, I'm here and Ms. Brooks is here" I said trying to make him comfortable "Yeah Junior" Brianna said "Tell mommy, that big bully can't do anything when mommy is here". "H-h-he s-said that he would beat me up again and know one would find me not even my-m-my" Junior stopped midway explaining so I asked "Baby, what did he say?" once again rubbing his back trying to comfort him "A-Aunty it's a bad word" Jr. said sniffling as another tear rolled down his always happy face "Go ahead baby you won't get in trouble this time go ahead" I said assuring him "He s-said not even my-m-my stupid mommy who got beat on could find me"Jr. continued and immediately I looked at Ms. Brooks with a worried look as she returned the same. (Y'all I'mma give the back story to this part next chapter but anyway)

"Baby, you think you can tell me why the fight started and when you tell me I'll make sure that if you don't want to you don't have to come back to school tomorrow" I said trying to bargain with him "Promise, Aunty?" He asked showing some kind of positive attitude through his sniffles "as long as your Daddy says yes it's a promise baby" I said hoping he would tell me "Well he said that he knew why my daddy left my-m-my mommy for you 'cause you're not a slut an-and he said he would take you from us and told me to give you this" he said pulling a piece of paper from his pocket and handing it to me making me skim it...

Hey, Rodrick's stepmom when you're ready for a real man you can call me
Xxx xxx xxx (I lowkey didn't know what he would say so...) and this kid needa whooping🤦🏽‍♀️

"Then what happened baby?" I asked knowing that Jr. didn't fight just like that, "I-I told him I w-wouldn't give you the stupid paper and he tried to shove it in my pocket s-so I pushed his hand away, an-and he shoved me and kept on trying to put it in my pocket and punched me everytime I said no" Jr said pausing to sniffle "then m-my friends carried me to the office and told on him".

After the whole incident was cleared up, and Joshua ended up getting punished by his own parents without us convincing them, we were headed home. Normally, I would just let them have a fruit or an afternon snack till dinner was ready but today, I bought two family sized take out pizzas to eat instead 'cause I also wasn't in the mood to cook. As we headed home, Jr had cheered up again and was playing with Bri and that made me smile 'cause he wasn't a bad kid. Pulling into the garage, I parked next to Roddy's car and headed inside behind the two who had already went inside to greet Roddy, I sighed, hoping he wasn't in whatever mood he was in earlier and hoping I never saw whatever that was again 'cause that wasn't Roddy at all.

When I set the boxes on the table, I felt a pair of arms snake around me knowing it was only one person who did that, I didn't bother to turn around. I wanted to push him off me 'cause I don't give two royal fucks if you high,drunk or did all the drugs in the world who tf is you talking to? Not me, but after the day the kids already had I wasn't in the mood to argue with Roddy infront of them. "Daddy, I missed you " Bri said running down the stairs from changing out of her uniform and was now hugging Roddy, while Jr looked on with an unreadable expression as he was sitting at the island in the kitchen. "Princess, I missed you too" Roddy said smirking as he held on closer to my waist knowing that I wasn't one to argue infront the kids.
"Daddy, Mommy bought pizza"Brianna said excitedly as though Roddy couldn't see it on the counter, Roddy chuckled before saying "I know Princess". Ms. Loretta (Roddy's mom) came down stairs and Roddy was forgotten as Bri and Jr ran to her as she went to put on the Tv for them. "Roddy" I said mugging "mmm?" He hummed, making me mug him harder "did you even ask your son what happened to his face?"I asked with a deadpan as I started making everybody plates. "Yeah, He did right by you and his mama so..." he said with a shrug making me start tapping my foot against the tiles looking at him with a mug as he poured the juice for everyone. "Why you looking at me like that?" He asked "Nothing" I said as I huffed out a breath "nothing Roddy".

I let go of the conversation as Roddy called the kids to get their food.

Chile this prolly my longest chapter ever I didn't even want it this long it was supposed to be another teaser but damn y'all got lucky.

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Your favourite blue butterfly loving writer out✌🏾🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

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