Chapter 7: Hawks In The Sky

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Y/n's Tent

The day of the match had come and we were prepared. The girls had camouflaged their tanks and I was currently running through tactics with the pilots while they attentively listened, taking notes as we trundled through the board.

Y/n: Okay so, we'll start in a V formation and break off once contact is established. The point pilot will charge straight at the fighters and take a few out, then diving down and taking out the forest to give the tanks a view of the battlefield. The rest of us will bank both left and right in an attempt to confuse them. Now if the point pilot for whatever reason is taken out, then I will level the forest myself and call out their positions. After that it's a free for all really, call out any fighters you see and what they're doing and, if a kill feels too easy, it probably is. More than likely they will use enclosure tactics to take out our jets one by one. Now if this happens then we have a bait jet rise and wait for the others to follow. As soon as they do we fire on them and take as many out before the bait is taken out aswell. We all clear?

They gave a collective nod and rose from their seats, neatly tucking them under the makeshift wooden desks that had been set up previously. As the girls were filing out Miho stepped in, announcing her presence.

Miho: Hey Y/n, Saunders has requested you to meet with them along with me and the school council if that's alright.

Y/n: Yeah that's fine, as long as I can catch some grub on the way there since I'm starving.

Miho: They have a few food trucks so you'll have a selection of food to choose from.

I smiled broadly and packed up my notepad, sliding it into my pocket and walking out of the small tent. Outside were dozens of trucks and jeeps, each serving a different purpose. In the middle of them all were the student council accompanied by Kay, Naomi and Alissa. I swaggered over to the group along with Miho.

Kay: And who might this be?

Anzu: Our star pilot, that's who.

Kay: Oh really? Say pretty girl, what's your name?

Y/n: Y/n. It's Y/n.

Kay was taken aback, however regained her composure and lost it again when she recognised my voice and stature.

Kay: You're the spy! The one that we caught yesterday.

Y/n: Perhaps I was, a pleasure to finally meet you Kay.

Kay: Well I'm certainly impressed you managed to slip through our security, and even fool me and my girls!

Naomi: Yes, how did you do it?

I sighed and ran a hand through my soft hair, combing it to one side while thinking of getting a haircut after the match was finished.

Y/n: I can't say, or else it wouldn't work. Oh, who's this coming?

A girl in a Saunders pilot outfit came bouncing over, a hotdog in one hand and large coke in the other. Her glossy and cheery eyes matched her smooth face and cherry lips, the definition of happy.

Elsa: Oh, I'm Elsa. Have we met before?

Y/n: You remember back in the hangar?

Elsa's eyes widened in realization and she covered her mouth, trying to stifle the suprised gasp that was forming in her throat.

Elsa: You're the spy for Ooarai aren't you!

Y/n: Maybe, it's nice to formally introduce myself Elsa.

Elsa: I must say it's nice to meet you too. I'll take my time in finding and shooting your jet down, I may even let you get a few lucky hits on me.

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