The thief that stole my heart

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Candy and Grenda's eyes widened. All of a sudden the movie began with a girl running with fear. "Ahhh!" The girl in the movie screamed a very cheesy scream. Just then a thief in a fake ninja outfit ran in holding office supplies. "I steal things!!" The guy shouted. Inside the scared girls mind a voice spoke and said "I know one things for sure he has stolen my heart. Then a tango dance started and the thief and the girl tangoed. After the dance he tied her up and stuffed her in a crate, he shipped her to Africa.

Then it showed a black screen saying 6. Years later... It then showed a image of a dark shadowy meadow and a man and woman walking threw it. Then the images changed to crates on a crashing airplane. Then in a flash a girl woke up.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!!!" She screamed running because she saw a thief in her bed. But then they looked into each other's eyes. Then she shipped him to Africa.

The movie ended and Candy and Grenda were clapping and crying all at the same time.

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