Jackson Storm x [fem] Reader | New Years

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It's 2021!!!! Damn!!!! The fuck!! 2020 was crazy... here's to a better year. <3
Uhh I was kinda high when I wrote this so I'm sorry if the wording is weird? I'm trying out different writing styles.

WARNING: at the end it gets implied smutty, just a tiny bit. Jackson is bein super flirty cus yknow... he's a cocky bitch.

You sighed softly as you slipped on your oversized hoodie over your head - it nearly posed as a dress. Brushing your [H/C] aside and slipping on your socks, you padded out into your apartment living room. Approaching the couch, you slumped on it and sunk into its cushion.

Your phone began buzzing in your hoodie pocket, and you grabbed it and noticed Jackson's contact pop up. A smile formed on your face as you answered;

"What's up?"

"Come over. I'm bored." He deep voice chimed.

"You really expect me to get up and walk over there." You sighed, laying down sideways on the couch.

"Pleaase [Y/N], It's New Year's Eve." He pleaded softly.

You sighed, and mumbled a "fine", before hanging up and sitting up. You grabbed your purse from the kitchen counter and slipped on your shoes.

As much as you loved Jackson's company, you couldn't help noticing that you've dreaded hanging out with him lately. Your growing crush on him made it hard for you to act normal around him. Yeah, he was an asshole and rude to everyone but you, but he still filled your chest with butterflies. There was just something about his raven dark hair, his piercing grey eyes and his defined jawline, that made you fill with so much nervousness; even after years of being his best friend.

Knocking on the door loudly, he immediately opened the door with one of his signature cocky smiles. You felt your body heat up upon seeing him, but you brushed it aside and stepped inside his apartment.

To say it was huge, was an understatement. His apartment was filled with a dark modern interior, with his Piston Cups sitting perfectly upon a shelf in the corner. Due to his sponsors, IGNTR, it wasn't surprising he lived so lavish. Yeah, you were jealous.

Jackson surprised you from behind, wrapping his muscular arms around your figure as you jumped in shock.

"What? I haven't seen you in a while." He said emotionless, keeping his arms tight around your waist.

Your face was red, as you tried to pry away from him. He laughed as he watched you squirm from his grasp, and that only made him turn you around and embrace you. You sighed and hugged him back, before pushing him off.

"So what's the plan for New Years?" You coughed, trying to quickly change the subject.

"Idk, maybe we could drink some champagne and hang out. I could order takeout." He said, walking over to the kitchen.

Jackson wasn't much of a partier, as were you. Jackson was someone who always kept to himself and avoided people. You were honestly surprised that you were able to get close with him throughout the past few years.

"Sounds good," You said, walking over to his couch as he rummaged through his fridge to find a bottle of champagne. You could hear the clinking of glasses as he poured you both a drink.

It was close to midnight, and you couldn't help but indulge in your thoughts - would be kiss you when the ball drops?

You shook your head in an attempt to clear your thoughts, heat already rising to your face.

Jackson sat next to you on the couch as he handed you your drink. You instantly took a sip; maybe the alcohol will help erase these stupid thoughts.

It was around 11:59 PM, and you both were chatting through the night, as you watched New York Times Square live from his television. People were chanting as the timer slowly counted down. You swallowed your anxiety as your eyes kept looking over at Jackson. A smile was formed on his face as he watched the counter;

10, 9, 8

Maybe you should kiss him. Wait. Would he like that?

7, 6, 5

No, don't do that. Definitely do not kiss him.

4, 3, 2,

You inhaled.


With a sudden movement, Jackson leaned over and grabbed your face, his lips connecting with yours. You tensed up in shock, as your mind went blank. Jackson moved his hands from your face to your shoulders, then your waist, before lifting you and having you straddle him.

When he broke the kiss, you just stared.

"Happy New Years, [Y/N]. I knew you were gonna be too pussy to do it." He cockily said.

"S-Shut up!" You shouted, turning away. You hadn't even realized you were still straddling him.

"Oh c'mon," he cooed. "I know you've been wanting to for a while."

You turned to him with wide eyes, before frowning.

"Yeah you wish." You said.

"Yeah? Is that why I've heard you moan my name multiple times?" He said and you froze up. "You're a terrible liar." He finished by trailing his fingers down your waist.

"W-wh-I." You stuttered, and he kissed you again.

Tonight was going to be interesting.

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