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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*'2020' Summary: Mikey's afraid of dying, but big brother Donnie knows just how to help.

*Author's Notes: I've finally returned with a new 'TMNT Shell Shot.' I know this one is super short, but I haven't written anything in months, so any progress is good progress, right? I hope you all like it. LMK.

Thanks so much for reading!



"What's it say, dude?" My kid brother's bloodshot eyes about double in size as he asks this question, clearly hanging on my every word.

I stare down at the delicate device in my hand, unable to stop a worried expression from crossing my face.

"One hundred point two."

"A hundred point two? Holy chalupa! Am I gonna die?" The obvious panic monopolizing my younger sibling's voice is both unsettling and amusing at the same time. He can be so overly dramatic. Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill...

Still, I can't blame him for being paranoid. These are terrifying times.

"It's just a low-grade fever, Mikey."

"You know what I meant, D." Mikey's face twists into a grimace as his once-wide, blue eyes narrow to a little less than half-mast.

"Well, theoretically speaking, we're all going to die." I'm not exactly sure why, but this comment seems to instantly strike a nerve.

"I'm being serious, Donnie!"

"So am I." I pause, but only for a moment. I can see my little brother is visibly upset by my brutal honesty.

Sometimes, I guess my need to always be accurate can come across as rather harsh.

I quickly try to soften my approach into something more Mikey-friendly. "Look, if you're asking me if COVID-19 is going to kill you, no. It's not. Your symptoms are extremely mild. You just need stay hydrated and get plenty of rest. I promise you'll feel better in no time."

"You can't promise that! There's no guarantee I'll pull through. I've seen the news, bro!" Mikey's now dewy eyes are wide once again as he clenches his fists underneath his chin in despair. "There're like hundreds of people dying from COVID every day!"

"Thousands, actually."

Again with the brutal honesty?

And here I thought Raph was the insensitive one!

"DUDE! I'm totally freaking out!"

With my brother now practically in hysterics, I'm half-tempted to slap some sense into him, but that never seems to actually work as intended. I instead opt to grab him by the shoulders and give him a good shake.

"Calm down, man! You're not going to die!"

"You don't know that!"

I can't help but roll my eyes in the back of my head over my brother's theatrics, but I'm soon staring back at him with a somber expression.

"Do you really want me to start spouting off a bunch of statistics about the pandemic mortality rates?"

Mikey vigorously whips his head from side to side, apparently not at all interested in hearing me recite my usual facts and figures.

No one in this family appreciates good, old-fashioned research.


"Listen, I know you're scared. This whole thing scares me, too. But you're going to be okay, Mikey."

My baby brother peers up at me, the picture of perfect innocence. His uncharacteristically quiet voice quivers ever-so-slightly as he speaks. "How can you be so sure?"

A smile spans the entire width of my face, no doubt revealing the gap in my teeth. I then reach up and gently rub Mikey's feverish, bald head.

"Because I'm your big brother and I'd never let anything bad happen to you. Now, lie down and get some sleep."

My little pep talk finally seems to do the trick. Mikey nods, all the while, sinking down into his pillow. "All right. I'll try. But only if you stay with me."

Now, it's my turn to nod as my smile somehow stretches even wider.

"Always, little brother. Always."

The End


*Additional Author's Notes: I want to wish you all the best in 2021. I hope you are all safe and happy.

As always, please take a moment to vote and/or comment on this story if you're enjoying these 'Shell Shots.' I have missed you all so much and can't wait to hear from everyone.

Just so you know, I hope to post a new chapter of 'Slash's Revenge' soon. Thank you all very, very much for reading my stories. I'm so incredibly grateful to each and every one of you. Take care. ;) CJ

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