Chapter 8 Mad Blue

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Then ally let her eyes change then she use all her power and broke her chains then Amber say ally piss very bad I know I can tell she coming then the door was gone then she walk downstairs and growl I hate you Xavier why I was gone because sliver fire wolfbane hurt me my body will died if I do not get them off and I was starting to like you then she turn then Xavier drop to the ground I am so sorry princess can you forgive me yes then her eyes change back that was blue.

Then she pass out then Xavier grab her then rose say can we meet her yes not now I no son then they went to bed with guards guarding her door all night.

Then ally got up and went for a shower then she fall down help Xavier coming kitten then he walk in what wrong my arms burn I no I am so sorry I cause you pain no I did then he pick her up and then he put her on the bed then they have fall asleep.

Then ally was sleeping
When she have a nightmare that Xavier
Try to kill him self
Because he think it was
His fault then she
Fall back asleep.

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