Chapter 5: Better and Better

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Robert went to meet mom and dad when I was getting ready for office

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Robert went to meet mom and dad when I was getting ready for office.

And today my father is going to resign from the post of CEO and will give it to me. The press conference is from 12:00 to 2:30 pm. And after that hectic crap I have to meet Reed.

And just like that the day keeps getting better and better!

I picked up my phone, purse and car keys from the coffee table and walked out of the house.

On the way to the office I was preparing myself for all the questions the media is going to ask me. I was taking deep breaths and avoiding any negative thought that came into my mind. I cut the engine out of the office building on the same spot where I park my car daily.

In the elevator, my father's assistant Leah, was accompanying me. Soon she will be my assistant as well. Leah and I talked for a while, about her life and goals and habits. Honestly, we aren't very close but now that I'm going to take over, I've to be friends with her after all we have to clean our messes together. Leah is very sweet and I can imagine it would be fun working with her.

As the elevator reached the terrace, I was mesmerised by the view. The venue was decorated beautifully for the conference. The platform before the railings of the terrace was raised slightly and was covered in red paint. The theme was kept as the logo of the company but the colour and contrast was according to the American Flag. Around 30-35 chairs were placed in front of the platform and a long table with three mics on it and three chairs behind the table were also placed. The three edges of the platform was covered with white screens. The two screens on the sides had our company's logo and on the centre screen, a power point presentation on the achievements of our company was going on.

I walked behind the curtains that were situated just behind the side screens. Leah was talking to someone on the phone so I left her behind and went to find my dad. Dad was standing in front of the railing with his both hands spread across it and his head looking down. I went towards him and patted on his shoulder. "Hey Dad".

"Oh, hey sweetie," he said and turned around to face me while wiping his tears.

"I can't believe I'm resigning today," he tuts. "It's just really overwhelming for me, I'm happy, believe me I'm really happy that my kiddo is going to be the CEO and I can finally spend some time with your mother, but it's not easy for me to part with this company where I out did myself. My heart belongs here and it's a little disappointing leaving this baby behind." He said looking at me with his hands on my cheeks.

"I know how you feel dad, and you don't have to leave this company, I still want a legal adviser and nobody is better for this job than you dad." I said but he shook his head, "Layla, kiddo you're very much capable of handling this company on your own you don't need anyone as your advis..." I cut him off by saying, "No dad, I seriously want you to be my adviser, I'm new to all these things and I want guidance, I want you to be by my side and help me make right decisions for this company. You deserve this position dad. Okay you don't have to give advise for every deal, I mean that much I can do on my own, but you can guide me on big deals and in times of crisis." I said in a very serious tone while holding his hands that were on my cheeks.

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