Obnoxious Men and A Pretty Face

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Now, I read over the last thing I said and I feel like I should mention that I'm not a creepy ass headless ghost flying around. When I became a ghost, I got my head back I promise. Also, I don't look like I'm 103. I look 17. Ghosts don't age while they're not existing, dumbass. Sorry, that might have been mean. I swear I'm working on being a better person. Anyways, I'll continue my story now that we have cleared up a few things up.

So, it was a day like every other one: boring as hell. And it's even more boring ever since Willie met a guy, because, at first, he'd always ditch me for him, but then he got all sad that he was gone, and he was no fun anymore. Don't get me wrong, I felt for the guy, but oh my god get over it. Anyways, I spent the day taking apart this smart watch. I like taking apart small devices more because it's so interesting to see all the tech they can shove into such a small vessel. So much detail that all flows together perfectly in a seamless way. But eventually I got bored, so I fell asleep. When I sleep, I don't dream. Well, maybe I do, but I don't remember the dreams. My memory is a piece of shit when I'm awake, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was one while I was asleep too. I don't know how long I was asleep for, but I was rudely awakened by Dante.

"Wake up Harlee! It's time for your shift!" Dante yelled as he banged at the door and invited himself in. I fucking hate Dante. He's one of the managers, and he kisses Caleb's ass at every opportunity, like he isn't stuck here to by his doing.

"Five more minutes!" I yelled back, not even opening my eyes.

"No. Get up and get to work!" he exclaimed as he dumped a cup of ice water on me.

"DUDE! WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed in response as I jumped up. When I said I fucking hated him, this is a prime example of why.

"You're working the ghost desk tonight," Dante said with a stupid grin on his face. He knew I hated working the ghost desk. You pretty much must reject everyone that tries to come in unless Caleb has "plans" for them. So, you're either a bitch, or you lead them to their doom. It makes me wish I was back in the factory getting my head chopped off.

"How are you even able to function with your head shoved so far up Caleb's ass?" I groaned as I grabbed my uniform for work.

"At least I have the freedom to leave when I want. Now get to work!" he said, leaving me alone to get ready. I used the dry part of my shirt to get all the water off me, cussing at him under my breath. Of all the mindless Caleb drones that work here, he's the worst. I looked in the mirror to see myself. Although I hated that place and Caleb with a passion, I looked fine as hell in that glittery pink suit. I tied my hair up in a bun and headed over to the Doom Desk.

My time at the desk went as it normally did, I looked to see if the names matched the ones on the list, and, if they didn't, I sent the person away. And if their name was on the stupid list, I sent them to their doom. I drew little doodles on the list to pass the time. Any letter with a loop in it had a small face in it by the end of the night. You couldn't even see the words. So, the night droned on in this way, people coming and going, then a guy came to the desk.

"Hi. I'm Trevor Wilson. I'm here for a table."

I scanned the list. "Umm no I don't see a Trevor Wilson on here."

The bitch scoffed. "Umm, but I'm Trevor Wilson."

I didn't even look up. "Okay then let me check again. Nope, list didn't change. Next in line, please."

"I'm the Trevor Wilson."

"The Trevor Wilson," I fake gasped and read down the list again. "No. The "the" didn't change the list. You're still not on it."

"You know the songs: Get Lost, Long Weekend, My Name is Luke..."

"But you just said your name is Trevor. Why is your name Luke now?"

"It's deep and metaphorical and...... whatever. You seriously don't know who I am?"

"I know who you are. You're the guy clogging up the line. Now get out."

"Kid, I don't know what your problem is, but get one of your supervisors. I'm not taking this. I made a reservation, and I don't care if I'm not on your stupid list, I'm getting in."

"Listen buddy!" I shouted as I finally looked up to see him. But something else caught my eye. Well, more like someone else. Behind him stood a girl with dirty blonde hair, who looked just as upset to be there as I was. But I could tell that cruelty wasn't all of who she was. Much like a watch, I had to break down the parts to figure out how she worked, what made her tick. Her pink lips were pursed, and her hands were both holding her phone, texting god knows what volume of complaints to her friends. That was the obvious things, the surface parts. But then she looked up, and I saw the missing piece. It was in her eyes. Her gorgeous brown eyes were easy to get lost in, and when I started to, I saw a dim light. It was once bright, but something had taken that away. I didn't know what exactly, but I was determined to find out. This was one problem I was determined to solve. She seemed worth it.

Ghosts on the Stereo - JATP - Carrie + OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن