1. And then

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The afternoon is hazy, just like summertime afternoons always are.

Pearls of laughter and a loud splash shattered her thoughts and broke through her reverie. She stepped towards the wide window facing the backyard and the pool, where the sound came from.
She shouldn't have come here.
She stepped back and moved across the hallway to her room, away from the crowd and the laughter and the smiles, and people that had it easy.

'Anne'. A voice stopped her in her track. It belonged to Mrs Jade, a woman with a nice figure, perfect permed blond hair, a channel suit and in her mid fifties, and a very close friend to her mother - Anne's sister, Millie, was having her twenty fifth birthday and Mrs Jade's second daughter, Nixie, was her best friend. Obviously this was not someone she wanted to meet now...or ever.
'I just wanted to thank you for coming here today, Millie was...' And the rest went over Anne's head.
'It's alright Mrs Jade. It's no problem'. She said when Mrs Jade paused to catch her breath.
'You're coming outside now right? To join us celebrating'. And then roped her in a tight corner.
'Yeah, sure'. Mrs Jade smiled, Anne grimaced.
Mrs Jade meant well, and really, Anne knew that but it didn't make her any more grateful. She wanted to stay in her room and stare at the walls and doddle, and count sheep, until the weekend was over.
'I just need to go to my room for- for a little while'.
'Are you sure'? Anne's hand was already on the door knob of her room. 'I could wait here for you'.
'Oh no, that won't be necessary. I might take a while'.
'Really'? Mrs Jade was still insisting.
'Yes, really'. Anne was insisting more.The door, Anne's means of temporary escape was slowly opening, but Mrs Jade was still not going any where yet.
'Well, when you come out, do come to my side, I'll introduce you to some of my club friends and Nixie's collegues'. Anne who had slipped in, gave a noncommittal sound. Not happening.
' Really Anne, I mean it'.
'Yeah, sure Mrs Jade'. Mrs Jade smiled, Anne closed the door.


Anne walked out to the patio. The sun was high and very bright, temporarily blinded her. She winced and shaded her eyes, squinting across the blinding surface of the pool and towards the many people lounging on foldable chairs and some under beach umbrellas. She walked around the pool, careful to keep her distance away from the swimming group who were having fun getting themselves wet and anybody else that walked too close to the pool side. Her gaze was fixed on a group, relaxing under a very bright pink and yellow umbrella that was blinding her eyes.

'Hello Millie. Happy birthday'. She looked down at a beautifully tanned girl, her black shades on, -I really wish I had those right now, lying on her stomach on one of those foldable chairs, her blond hair, like Anne's, maybe darker, like honey blond, swept to a side of her neck, her face down and some guy with wavy black hair, kneeling by her, massaging sunscreen into her laps, his fingers suspiciously very close to the exposed skin of her butt from below her red bikini pants.
Millie twisted her head around to look up at her. 'Oh it's you Anne
Where were you all day? And what are those you're dressed in'? Anne folded her arms over her chest, one brow raised, as every one around, including Nixie, laughed.
'These are clothes. And you shouldn't talk to me like that in front of your guest. Or at all'.
'It's my birthday', Millie said, flipping her hair, somehow she managed. 'I can do whatever I want'.
'You're not thirteen anymore Millie'. Anne looked over her, bored. 'You can't do whatever you want anymore. Where's mom'? She asked before Millie could say anything.
Millie shrugged and bent her head back, the guy was really up her ass now, Anne looked away.
It was Nixie who answered. 'She's in the kitchen'.
'I should go and see her or something'. She took a step back but Mrs Jade got her before she could escape.
'There you are Anne. Oh i see you've met with the birthday girl and Nixie and Greg, Benny and.. What's your name again young man'?
'Trey' he said. The three hadn't greeted her before and now waved awkwardly at her, she nodded at them and turned to Mrs Jade who grabbed her by  the arm and drew her away.
'Come let me introduce you to my friends. This is Mrs James, my fellow green tea  member. This is Mr Daniel, I play golf with him every Saturday, maybe you can join us sometime...'.
'I should go and see my mom, I heard she's in the kitchen'. She took a step back, Mrs Jade pat her on the arm.
'Alright dear'.
Anne walked away, back into the house and into her room, where she stayed until the last guest left and the laughter and cars outside faded away. She said on the porch and stared up into the sky.

The night is full of stars,  just like every summer nights are always full of many stars if you're in the right place to see them.

I wish you were here with me. Then we would look up and count the stars like we always used to do.

'I'm such a failure'.

see you in the funny pages.😉

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