Chapter 1: Meeting Raf (Rewritten)

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"Paps' cookin' dinner. In the meantime, wanna go to Grillby's?"

*You agreed*

"Then, let's go" he took out a bottle of ketchup before looking at Frisk with a lazy look.

"let's take the shortcut."

*You ask Sans if it'll be quick*

"Yeah, it will be kiddo."


*You told Sans this is NOT Grillby's*

"I have eyes kid..."



*Lv: 1
*HP: 20/20
*G: 1250


*2 Cup Ndls

Frisk sighed in relief as they saw a slice of pie, spaghetti, 2 cup noodles and..... chocolate?

It was so hot and uncomfortable that they had to fan themselves to cool down, even just a little. Sans is a skeleton so heat doesn't bother him. Besides, He had a station in Hotland before going to the surface so he got used to the intense heat.

They had hid under the bridge for shade and if any humans were to pass by, so they won't scream at the sight of Sans. Surrounded by what looks like an abandoned highway in a desert if it weren't for a young boy playing with his RC alone.

The kid quickly took notice of Frisk, who waved at him and he shyly waved back.

"H-Hi?" The kid greeted shyly and Frisk opened their bag and rustle around before taking out their their notebook.

'Hello' Frisk flipped the next page 'I'm Frisk. What's yours?'

"I'm Raf" the little boy answered. They smiled and stood on a space beside him, quickly wrote something in the notebook before showing it to Raf

'What are you doing here alone?'

"Oh, I was racing. My momma bought it for me as a gift. Wanna try it?" The boy offered the controller which Frisk shook their head

"Frisk! Where are you kiddo?!"

They turned and saw a disguised Sans, scratching his neck lazily. "There you are." Sans lazily smiled

"Tibia honest kid, you're gonna give me a heart attack" Frisk snickered at their duncle's pun. Sans grinned and turns to Raf

"Hey there, kiddo" He held out his glove covered hand to Raf, who hesitated but accepting the hand.









Sans bursts out laughing. Raf quickly retreated his hand, blushing madly in confusion and embarrassment

"It wasn't me, I swear!" Raf quickly said which Frisk giggled and held out the notebook to Raf

'It was actually Dunkle'

Sans slowly calmed down from his laughing fit and took out the glove, revealing a whoopee cushion attached in his palm. "Ah the Whoopee Cushion in the hand trick. It never gets old" he placed his glove back to his hand and tucked I in his jacket pocket 

"So, wanna introduce me to your friend, Frisk?"

Frisk perked up and quickly wrote in their notebook before showing them

'Raf, This is my Duncle, Sans. Sans, this is Raf" Frisk held out their one hand to Sans, who waved at Raf

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Sans" Raf greeted and Sans chuckled 

"Just call me Sans, Kiddo. Mr. Sans makes me feel old"

Then, a loud rev of a motorcycle can be heard, and it was right above them.

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