a special night (neil)

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~ (y/n)'s pov ~

I put the finishing touches on my makeup as I let out a long sigh. My friends were forcing me to go out to a new club that just opened up downtown. I hated going out to places like that to be looked at like a piece of meat by drunk, horny men.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a short, velvet black dress, with red heals and a leather jacket. I felt good about myself. All I wanted to do was have a few drinks and then go home and watch a few movies.

I touched up my hair and sprayed some perfume just as my friend Rachel called me. She told me that they were here and that I better look hot. I groaned before ending the call and grabbing my purse.

I quickly shut the door to my apartment and headed out of the building. My friends were all waiting for me in the car.

Our friend, Maddie was driving tonight since she has work in the morning. "You know I could have drove." I said as I got in the back seat with Rachel and Annie. "You always drive. You need time to relax and let loose!" Lilly said from the front seat. I rolled my eyes and sat back.

"You look hot. You're going to have a great time tonight. Who knows, you may even meet the love of your life." Annie said to me as Maddie began driving towards our destination. "Yeah right." I laughed.

We got to the club in 20 minutes. Us five girls got out of the car and headed into the large building. Here goes nothing, I thought to myself.

I walked right up to the bar and got myself a martini. Rachel, Annie, and Lilly all got their drinks and we made our way through the crowd of sweaty people to a table on the other side of the room.

"This place is so cool!" Rachel shouted over the music. We all nodded. I had to admit, they made this place look great. High top tables, regular tables, two bars, a dance floor, and a killer DJ.

Maddie came over with a handful of tiny glass cup. "This ones on me, ladies." She smiled at us. I stared down at the liquid in front of me. We're doing shots now? Great. Annie squealed and grabbed the glass as soon as Maddie put it down.

We all took the shots and laughed at each other's faces. "God, I can't get over the taste of vodka." I grimaced. They all laughed at me when Lilly said, "Let's grab another drink and dance!" I relunctantly got up and went back to the bar. This time, looking for something stronger.

"Jack and coke please." I shouted over the music. As I was getting my drink, I noticed a man down the bar. He was wearing a gray suit and had dirty blonde hair that was slicked back. He was with another man who had a beard and a woman with dark hair.

I guess I was staring for too long because we locked eyes at one point. He smiled at me and I returned it. Wow, he's really cute. "Here you go!" The bartender said as he slid the drink in front of me. "This ones on the house." He smiled. I replied thank you and joined my friends on the dance floor. This was going to be a long night.

We danced and danced all night. I was finally tipsy enough that I was getting loose, as Lilly would say. I took Annie's hands and we danced and spun around like idiots. I was happy they forced me to go with them, I needed this.

Soon I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist. I looked back and saw an older man with dark hair and was obviously drunk. "Hey babygirl." He whispered in my ear. I let out an awkward laugh before I started to move away.

The man caught my arm and pulled me into him. "Now where do you think you're going? Leaving me here without a dance?" He said. "Uh, I'm not really looking to dance with anyone right now. I should probably find my friends. Maybe another time." I said while trying to get out of the situation.

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