Thats What I Call Entertainment

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"Yeah, yeah I know. This new guy Glitchy has a power that you have never seen before."

He sighed, was this another incarnation of Fresh? More like Cross now that he thinks about it. Always saying weird things that only he and the gang understood. Maybe others did too, and Error was just strange.


    "No?" He said with confusion.

    "I said no." This sent a wave of emotions throughout the listeners. Why no?

    "Why no?" Rogers said. Surprising a few people more than they already were.

    "As you've said he is a new power. We don't know what he can do. He could be a threat to the entire nation."

    "Well considering he just saved it, I don't think that's a problem." Stark retorted.

    Error was starting to get sick of this. They continued arguing for what seemed like years. Maybe he could just leave and explore. What are they gonna do? Kidnap him?

    It took a few minutes for the other occupants of the room to realize that he was missing. Fury went into a minute rage from the fact that the current most powerful being in the world is missing and walked right out of the room without anyone noticing.

    Error walked down long hallways, every door looking identical to the last.

    'How do people find their way in this maze?' he questioned.

    He followed the pulse of his magic. Never changed despite new universes and even newer titles. Eventually, he found the door that stood out among the rest, something calling him into the room.

    The door is locked and has a keypad. Note that Error does not know what a keypad is. The Multiverse gave him a code. Of course, the Multiverse itself knows what the code to a door is.

    It slides with a mechanical thump. Error didn't expect the door to be so loud. He nearly jumps back like a frightened cat. He cautiously peaks into the room, looking for the source of his magic.


    He opens a plastic container and sees it. His nearly glowing purple-to-navy scarf. He takes it out of the black plastic box. It hanging long enough to touch the floor. Error puts it on, feeling like he is whole again with the weight of the fabric back on his shoulders. He looks back in the box. His shirt, jacket, and pants, visible and folded. He shifts them away. Knowing what he is looking for. His glasses.

    Error doesn't care about his clothes. He hasn't had blood-free clothes for millennia, and they always are needing stitches. There is a hole in his old pants that caused everything in the pockets to fall out. And he constantly forgot to fix it. Hearing in the middle of dusting a universe a small thud of his glasses and he always stepped on them. However, Error cares about the glasses. Even if they're half broken.

    The glasses are circles with a red wire. One of the lenses was cracked and the other scratched to hell and back but his vision was bad enough that he knew he couldn't get strong enough ones. The universe that these were from collapsed from the parasite. A small blue string was tied to the frames so he could track the magical signature from them.

    Error folds the clothes neatly and closes the box again. Latches snapping back on one by one.

    He feels a shiver across his back. Maybe he did need his old clothes. This new black trenchcoat wasn't as good as his old one. Eh, Error could just make more.

    Hallways turning and turning, following his old path. Same metal door after door. Until he reached the hall where everyone else was. Everyone was staring at him. Error made sure that his glasses were in his pocket. It would be awkward if he left them there.

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