Chapter 4

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I was beginning to believe this stranger wasnt very smart.
Who asks if something that is clearly painful hurts?
"Yes?" I respond, I dont see the point in lying about it.
"Come, I have some bandages on the upper deck, I'll show you to your cabin too" he moves quickly after speaking, taking my hand carefully before I can respond and helping me down from the hammock.
He doesn't let go until I'm sat on a chair in the captains cabin and he moves to one of the cupboards lining the right wall, presumably to find the bandages he mentioned.

"No one has offered to help me heal before" i spoke more to myself than to him but I can tell he heard when his voice comes back
"Why not"
It was a question I'd asked myself before, and it was always my mothers- the queen's voice that rang back in my mind
"Because I dont deserve to heal. I deserve pain for what I am" its an automatic response to questions she had asked me. Why am I locked up? Because I deserve it. Why am I alone? Because I deserve it. And so on.
He doesn't seem pleased with my answer as his brow is furrowed when he brings a small box of medical supplies over.
"Have you done something to relinquish your right to heal? Hurt anyone?" I can almost see the cogs in his head turning, trying to piece together exactly what I meant.
"Of course not. I havent had the chance. But I would if I was let free, thats what the prophecies say anyway, and I am in no position to argue against the elders that received the visions of my wrath"

He doesn't speak for some time after that, focusing instead on cleaning then wrapping my wrists neatly in clean white cotton, that almost immediately becomes tainted with the blood of wounds he had to gently open in order to clean. Its a wonder I never got an infection from the hell pit I called home. He seems pleased as he moves my hands to look at his handiwork, I don't realise how close his face has come until his eyes snap to mine- i didnt realise i was watching him until then. It was like being stuck. His eyes are a mesmerising deep sage green, with ethereal sprinklings of a bright yellow that seem to sparkly the longer you look.
Hes leaning forward now, and in a panic I lean away and suck in a breath, what the hell was he doing?
"Sorry" its a cold apology as he stands up and holds out his hand once again.
Now im lead to a wall, its completely unassuming until he presses part of the wood and it slides open revealing a small bedroom, a single bed is pressed against a large window with intricate metalwork woven along the glass panes, a small wardrobe and vanity are pressed against the opposite wall.
"Here. You'll stay here."

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