Time to Mend

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Song #22: I Saw You in a Dream by Honey Moon

"I thought we said we'd be friends."

Cinder stopped in her tracks, closing her eyes slowly before she turned on her heels to look back at him. And oh how that look hurt.

He looked just as good as he had the last time she'd seen him— the night he'd broken up with her and ultimately smashed her heart into a thousand pieces.

Serves you right, Cinder thought. You never should have fallen for someone as unattainable as Kai Prince.

But she had; she'd fallen in love with him. And no matter how many months passed by, she was still in love with him.

"Broken wings need time to mend," Cinder shrugged, trying her best to act as if she didn't care that he was here at the bar, talking to her as if he hadn't dumped her.

"And yet," Kai said, a mirthless smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, "you're trying hard to fly away from me."

"What do you want, Kaito?" Cinder snapped, folding her arms across her chest.

All the joy seeped from Kai's expression, falling into a frown. Cinder almost felt bad for her harshness— but then again, he was the one who had dumped her, not the other way around. She had every right to be agitated with him, especially when he'd given her no reason for breaking her heart. He'd simply told her that it was over, and that was that. Goodbye forever, let's stay friends.

But staying friends was too painful; no longer could she just be friends with Kai Prince. Her heart was screaming all or nothing, and she wasn't entirely sure which one she wanted anymore. In all honesty, she felt a strange urge to lay down and cry.

"I just, uh, wanted to call you up," Kai said, then grimaced. "I wanted to see how you were doing. It's been a while. Five months."

"I have a calendar," Cinder snapped, glowering at the boy she had once been in love with. The boy she still couldn't seem to forget. "And I'm fine."

She was anything other than fine— she wasn't feeling happy now. This whole moving on thing sucked.

"Oh," Kai swallowed, his shoulders slumping. "I'm glad."

"Yeah," Cinder mumbled, trying her best not to lose her chill. "I guess I'll see you around, Kai."

Before Kai could answer, Cinder turned and left the bar, her face hidden from Kai's as a single tear slipped from her eye and fell down her cheek in a rush. More followed. And as Cinder walked down the street in a melancholy haze, she wondered why it didn't feel as if one of them had won.

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