5: Rhythm Of The Rain

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5: Rhythm Of The Rain
"I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain..."

Friday was a black day and the whole lake knew it. A sudden surge of grief was blown in by the forcasted breeze and Louis was down on his knees sobbing, being held by Ashton and coaxed to get dressed by Liam; They were his faithful protectors. He blew his nose and let his shaky hands fumble with his waist coat.

"Here Lou, let me do it," cooed Ashton, "just try to calm down."

A few tears were shed but for the most part Louis had found a mask of blank expression to hide behind, no one said a word until Liam was driving the Butler and the Rich One to Saint Agatha's Cemetery where the funeral was to take place.

"Li can you play Clair De Lune? It's track 13," asked Louis meekly, "it helps me breathe a little easier."

"Sure man, do you need anything else?"

"One of Michael's strongest drinks," he joked.

"Who?" questioned Ashton who was sitting next to him gently brushing off the mysterious lint that was all over his pants.

"Mike, your boyfriend," he smiled.

"W-what! No Louis I'm not, I don't..no!" Ashton stuttered. Louis just laughed and let his eyes shut, falling asleep to Clair De Lune on repeat and feeling an odd weight on his chest lift.

The burial sight was a small plot of green grass that was bland in shortest terms. When Louis arrived he not only was surprised to see a large mass of people already seated under the gazebo where the casket was placed but the plot, gazebo, and casket was filled with flowers. A large mound of hydrangeas were placed on the top of the coffin and dripped long vines and leaves that enveloped it in petals. Every chair had a long ivory calla lily to be placed in the grave. Collin was standing toward the back with a solemn face, motioning for the recent arrivals to walk towards him.

"This place is gorgeous. Who did you hire?" asked his step-father, his voice thick with grief and pain.

"The Lake View Florist, Harry."

"Well he left a small pin for your suit," Collin handed over a small lavender branch that was tied to a safety pin. Louis unclasped the silver pin and had Ashton pierce the metal rod through his coat's lapel.

"This Harry character seems real good at this flower-y shit Lou," whispered Liam.

"Would you want me to send him a candy basket? I know a lady who owes me a favor," offered Ashton.

"Louis you should invite him over to the house so you can thank him," suggested Liam. Louis just nodded at both suggestions and walked down the cement aisle of the gazebo and sat down in the first tow.

"He's losing it man, what do we do?"

"I don't know, I thought letting him cry it out would do something for him. Guess I was wrong," murmured Ashton.

"You know his backstory right?" asked Liam.

"Yeah I did my research. Why do you think I knew what to do when he freaked out at dinner?"

"So that was true! I thought the kitchen staff was spreading rumors again," Liam looked over to Louis, sitting and staring at his mothers casket, "shit he's in a bad place right now."

"He's just bruised Liam, not broken."

"I hope so." They exchanged looks of concern and sat behind their grieving friend, carefully analyzing Louis' calculated gestures and perfect smile.

He never cried, wouldn't accept others condolences, couldn't give his final goodbye's, and not once did he look at his new friends for support. Louis was alone, and this time he chose solitary. Everyone set out for Louis' house right after the burial but not him. His step-father had already left and Liam and Ashton were waiting in the car; they all seemed so weak and emotional. Louis walked over to the grave from his seat under the gazebo and stared down at the mound of fresh soil.

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