New Neighbor

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I have come to the conclusion that the saying 'All is fair in love and war' is a lie. Want to know why? Keep reading and you'll find out.

Hi, my name is Scarlet Newman and am a bitch. That's right, life has treated me so unfairly that I call myself a bitch now.

I live with my mother, Anna Newman, and we're poor but not that poor. Just weren't able to buy fancy shoes or dresses like those rich kids.

We live in an alley along with others that are like us, and I go to school with sassy kids who always had nice dresses and nice shoes. Although, the adventures in this alley neighborhood never cease and it just kept getting exciting, I feel like no one understands me it gets me completely.

Being the leader of the Round dogs (skating group) was not enough. Being adored for my excellent skating skills was not enough either. Be it a roller skate or a skate board, I was exceptionally good but, that wasn't enough.

I always feel like my mom's hiding something from me. We never really got along and it was like a wall blocked us from interacting even when we saw each other daily.
I feel like there is more to the whole world that I didn't know about until...
A new family just moved to the vacant house next to Scarlets house.
Scarlet didn't take heed to it at all and thought it might have been another street rat moving to her domain. But just as she looked through her bedroom window, she caught sight of him.

Alex was like any other boy but, Scarlet seemed to have sensed a difference. She stared at him as he dropped his box, he turned and their eyes locked in a passionate gaze which none of them could break.

Alexander Sebastian just moved in with his mother. They were not exactly poor like the rest in the neighborhood, but they had come to put up with it as it was their only choice of option now.

Alex's mother had fought with his father and vowed never to go back to him. The fights were frequent and those words were often heard but, this was the first time his mother had taken such a drastic decision.

He on the other hand, had no say. Although he was sick of it all, he had to go wherever he was told to go and stay wherever he was told to stay.

All this made him uncomfortable. He felt like his parents had no time for him and all his needs were never attended to.

Thus, he felt insecure. He felt like he was not wanted and that nobody understood him and will never understand him. Everyone he met were all the same, selfish!

But at this moment, staring straight into the eyes of this girl, he felt a warm feeling and saw a sense of familiarity in her eyes. Her eyes were so charming and felt warm towards him. Such warmth made him feel wanted and loved. Where has she been all my life?

Scarlet just couldn't keep her eyes off of him. He was a magnet that drew her stares closer. She had always considered herself a burden and never had anyone to talk to about her feelings but, staring at his eyes made her feel light, like an heavy weight has been lifted.

She wanted to know him better. Wanted to be his friend and confide in him in all her sad and happy times. No! She wanted to be more than his friend. She wanted more! Where has he been all my life?

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