Spin the bottle part 2

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After Luke and Julie kissed Julie says"why don't you spin the bottle next y/n?"she asked and I nodded "okay." I said and spinner the bottle which landed on reggie(the innocent bean🥺) and I blushed crimson red, as I get up and grabbed reggies hand and go inside the closet closing it and fidgeted my hands nervously as I sighed softly "okay let's do this I've never kissed anyone before so don't judge me.." I spoke and Reggie smiles and said "why would I ever judge you for it?" I smile at his words as his words made my heart melt. I then lean closer to him as I could feel his breath. I then put my arms around him quickly and then I kissed him on the lips.

Minutes later our kiss got really steamy that reggie even tried taking my jacket off as I tried taking his shirt off.

But when we heard Julie said..

"Y/n! Reggie! Stop snogging come out."

You and Reggie blushed red and then stopped kissing and went out of the closet and went to your original spots and waited for someone else to spin the bottle again.

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