Snow - Christmas special

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The snow outside was falling as quietly as it could and Hanta was so enamored with it that he forgot he wasn't outside.

"Tenya, look! It's snowing!!! Can we go outside, please?!!" Hanta was so excited for the fluffy white flakes falling from the sky, Tenya  just couldn't help but smile.

"Get ready. I don't want you to get sick." Tenya looked so fond of the smile on Hanta's face. It really was sweet.

The rustling sounds of clothes being moved and shoes being repositioned in the closet filled the halls because Hanta left the door open. Tenya was somewhat giggling as Hanta fussed about, trying desperately to be able to go outside with Tenya. He loved the snow and everything about it. Tenya thought that this was absolutely adorable.

Tenya heard the door swing closed, and in Hanta ran. He slid across the floor and stabilized himself as he slowed to a stop.

"Tenyaaaaaa, come ooooon. I'm ready, can we go??!" Tenya laughed and told Hanta to give him one minute.

Hanta busied himself with his scarf and gloves when Tenya came around the corner.

"Let's go, honey. " Tenya smiled. Hanta was absolutely elated. He was bouncing off every wall with excitement and couldn't contain it.

Hanta flung the front door open and rushed outside. He flopped down in the snow as soon as he got out the door. And Tenya?

Well, he fell down right beside him, a sweet and feather-soft kiss being placed to Hanta's face.

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