~.6.~ School Is Boring, Nighttime Is Better

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~(y/n) POV~

It was the next day and I was walking with Connor, Amaya, and Greg. We were going to our class before Connor asked me something.

"So, how'd it go? You know, with the stars and stuff?" he asked with a smile on his face. He truly cares about his friends, he will do anything for them. I just smiled at them.

"It was great! Next time, you'll have to be with me and see for yourselves, " I say with a big grin. They all cheer in excitement.

"Well, we should probably get to class. We don't want the teacher to be mad, " Amaya says as we start walking again. Only a few of my classes were different from theirs. My class right now is English.

During class, the teacher was saying that we were gonna write our own stories of our own choice( My teacher made us write our own suspense stories, it was so funny cuz I love to write my things. I hope that maybe one day if you like writing, you may become a write of your own things either on here or worldwide. ). I couldn't think of anything, that was until I thought about Night Ninja. For some reason, I liked having him around, even if he is the bad guy of the PJ Masks.

I decided to write about a young teenager who falls in love with a boy around her age, who was a ninja at the night, but she doesn't know it's him in disguise. They weren't meant to meet since he was a villain, but they were meant to be together. Since my mother is a writer, I knew how to do this stuff.

When I was done writing, the teacher told us to send the story to her through our computer ( We have to do that at my school. ). After I sent my story, the bell rang. I got up and walked along with all the others.

In the hallways, I saw my friends standing at their lockers. The four of our lockers are right beside each other. I walk over and we all just stood there chatting away until our next class.

~After School~

We all walked out of the school building and we went back to my house for a bit. We all just played and joked around for a bit, that was until we started to talk about a certain person of the night.

"Can you believe what Night Ninja did that one time?" Greg says with an irritated tone. Connor then spoke.

"Yeah, rolling us up in those mattresses making us look like we were a burrito or something, " Connor says with a laugh at the end. We all laugh at that joke as well.

"So, (y/n), when you were stargazing last night, not thing bad happened to you, right?" Amaya says with a confused yet worried look. I look at her with a few wide eyes. They can not find out that I saw Night Ninja!

"Nope, except the fact that I almost slipped a bit. But other than that, I'm good, " I say with a shrug. They all looked shocked but yet glad that I'm safe. But, they had a feeling that something else happened 

"Did you meet someone as well?" Amaya asks with a face that even I don't know what it says. Something like "I know that's not all."

"Well..." I mumbled something under my breath. They all leaned closer to hear.

"What did you say?" Greg asks with a confused look on his face. I look at them and sigh.

"Yes, I met someone, " I say with a slight hesitation in my voice. They all looked shocked. Who was this person that she met? Was he good? Was he bad? "But don't worry, he didn't try anything at all. He was nice, slightly egotistical, but still cares about things."

"What's his name?" Amaya says with a smile.

"I forgot at the moment, but if I remember then I'll tell you guys, " I lied smoothly. Amaya, Connor, and Greg were still suspicious about this person. (y/n) never forgets anything, she's smart enough to not forget things. But, they didn't want to push her at all.

"Well, I guess it's time for us to go, " Connor says as we all get up for the door. I frown a bit but smiled either way. We all headed towards the door and I opened it for them. They thanked me for letting them over for a bit.

As soon as they left, I ran back into my room and thought about how close that was for them to find out about Night Ninja.

I need to see him again...


It was now nighttime. I stayed awake for the PJ Masks to come, but waiting was kind of boring now. I opened the window and got onto my roof. I want to talk with Night Ninja about something kind of important.

As I sat there waiting, I decided to get my ukulele again. I got back into my room and grabbed it quickly and got back on the roof. As soon as I got back up, I saw Night Ninja standing there, waiting for me.

"You're a little late," he says with a smirk in his voice. I think he has a smirk on his face right now.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I was just getting my ukulele, " I say with a nervous smile and laugh. 

"It's fine, " was all he said before sitting down. I sat down beside him and we started talking. Night Ninja asked about my life. I told him how boring it was, except for him and my friends and family. He asked me about my school.

"School is boring, nighttime is better, " I say with a smile and a shrug. He just looks at me like I was right.

"Yeah, you're right about that, " he says with a laugh. I laugh along with him. We then just stand there awkwardly.

I was about to say something but I heard a voice, well, three familiar voices...

The PJ Masks?!

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