Part 7.

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Several months later. 

It was Christmas Eve and Mildred had just finished her last shift for the holidays and she couldn't wait for Gwendolyn to finish work so they could travel for their little vacation that Mildred had booked. 

She hurried home to pack the rest of their things and put the gifts that she had gotten for Gwendolyn in the trunk of her car along with enough alcohol to last them a month. She laughed to herself but she wanted to ensure that they had enough. 

Once she had finished she checked the time and saw that Gwendolyn was finishing work in fifteen minutes so she took a quick shower and put on some more comfortable clothes to travel in as they'd have to drive for approximately 4 hours. 

As she was brushing her hair, she heard the front door close. "Mildred?" Gwendolyn called and Mildred quickly left the bedroom, eager to see her. 

"Hello. How was your day?" The younger woman asked, kissing her. 

"I couldn't wait to finish. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us, my love." She replied, winding her arms around her waist. 

"Mmm. I can't either. Go and take a shower and get changed and we can set off." Mildred replied, kissing her again before moving away to double check that she had packed everything. 

As soon as Gwendolyn was ready to leave, Mildred was already out of the door due to how excited she was. 

She got into the car, starting the engine whilst she waited for Gwendolyn. Soon after, Gwendolyn joined her, pulling her leather gloves on. 

"Ready?" Mildred asked, grinning. "Yes, let's go." Gwendolyn smiled, placing her hand on Mildred's thigh. 

Three and a half hours later, Gwendolyn was asleep, her head resting against the passenger window. 

Mildred looked over at her and smiled before turning her attention back to the road. They were almost at their destination and Mildred could barely contain her excitement. 

As she pulled up to the lodge that they would call home for the next week, she shook Gwendolyn awake. 

"Gwen...Gwen, wake up! We're here." She said. Gwendolyn stirred, yawning. 

"Already? Wow, that was quick."

"Yes, because you fell asleep an hour into the journey." Mildred laughed, turning the engine off before getting out of the car. 

Gwendolyn got out, still a little disorientated from her long nap. Mildred noticed her stumble a little and rushed to grab her hand. "Have you been drinking in secret?" She giggled. "No, sorry. My head is fuzzy from my nap." Gwendolyn chuckled. 

Mildred led them up the pathway to the lodge and unlocked the door. They both stepped inside and Mildred squealed with delight. "This is perfect!" 

Gwendolyn was stunned at what her wife (calling them wives just for the sake of it 😂) had planned for them both. "Mil, this is amazing." She gasped, using the nickname she had only recently started using. 

"Look at the fireplace! It's huge." Mildred said as she looked around the lounge area and made her way through to find the kitchen. "I am in love with this place, Gwen!" She called, opening the door to the bedroom. 

"I was thinking we could just drag the mattress through to the lounge and sleep in there. Keep the fire going and just spend time snuggled by the fire and we wouldn't have to move." She laughed as Gwendolyn snuck up behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist, kissing her neck. "Now, that sounds like an amazing idea. I'm invoking a no-clothing rule." 

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