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Bast or Bastet is the Egyptian goddess of the home, domesticity, women's secrets, cats, fertility, childbirth, protection, perfume/ointments, children, music, the arts, and warfare. Originally a lioness goddess, she was more closely associated with the house cat. Her totem animal is the cat.
Voodoo god of creation. Also called Olowoum.
The Irish Goddess Brighid is the Female Sage, or Woman Of Wisdom.  Brighid (also Brigid or Brighit) is the daughter of An Dagda and one of the Tuatha Dé Danann (Irish tribe of the gods). She has two sisters, also called Brighid, associated with healing and crafts. Brighid and her sisters are three aspects of a single deity.
Hekate or Hecate is the Greek Queen Of The Night, Goddess Of Witchcraft, and is among the rulers of the Spirit World. She is the Queen Of The Crossroads: Hekate patrols the frontier between life and death, serving as an intermediary between spirits and humans. Hekate is also in ownership of the ultimate skeleton key, or the key that unlocks the gates to all realms. The deity is a goddess of life, death, regeneration, and magic. She is associated with wisdom, choices, expiation, victory, vengeance, and travel. Lastly, it is believed she is the witness to every crime.
Horned God/Cernunnos
The Wiccan Horned God is the Lord of the Underworld and of death and the afterlife. His symbol is the Sun, while the Triple Goddess' is of the Moon. He rules over winter, while the Goddess rules over summer. He represents fertility and is frequently depicted as an ithyphallic figure.
Lugh is considered to be an Irish, Celtic, or Gaulish god. He represents the Sun, and is depicted as a warrior. He is associated with the animals: the raven, crow, and lynx, and magic hound.
Mabon is the Welsh god of the Sun.  A skilled hunter, he represents youth, vitality, love, and lust. Traditional symbols for Mabon include The Cornucopia, or the Horn of Plenty, and apples.
Nyx is one of the primordial deities, or first beings of existence, from Greek mythology. Daughter of Chaos, the origin of existence and creator of the universe, she is the personification of night and is depicted with wings or as a charioteer. Neither good nor evil, she can either bring sleep or death.
Ostara, or Eostre or Eastre, is the Germanic goddess of fertility and rebirth, as well as spring and dawn. Her symbol is the egg, for fertility, as well as the hare.
Triple Goddess
The Triple Goddess is a Pagan deity. Each of these three moon phases (waxing, full, and waning) connect to a different representation of the Goddess. Though there are three different facets to the Goddess, she is worshiped, whole, as a symbol of divine womanhood.
• The Maiden
As a young maiden, the Goddess enters life as a new start. The Maiden links with new beginnings, open-ended possibilities, and purity. The Maiden is called upon for purification magic.
• The Mother
The Goddess enters full womanhood and is able to give life.  The Mother is represented by the full moon. She represents sexuality and fertility.
• The Crone
The Crone is the Goddess at her eldest/wisest. The Crone is connected to being at your most powerful or intuitive.
Horned God/Cernunnos
The Wiccan Horned God is the Lord of the Underworld. Cernunnos rules over death and the afterlife. His symbol is the Sun, while the Triple Goddess' is the Moon. He controls winter, while the Goddess' domain is the summer. He represents fertility and is frequently depicted as an ithyphallic figure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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