Chapter 6

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I step out into the hallway to take the call so I don't wake up Lexie. She's too cute when she's sleepy and I'm yet to see what she looks like cranky.

"Hello. Los Angels adoption agency." "Oh hi. I'm calling because I'm looking into adopting a little girl." I explain.

"Oh yes. So how about I send someone out to see if your living condition and financial income is good enough to support her."

I give the woman my basic information and she said someone will be here in about an hour. That's perfect. I quickly pick up the small apartment then walk over to Lexie's small frame. She looks so peaceful but I finally bring myself to wake her up.

"Lex..I need you to wake up for me." I say shaking her shoulder lightly.

She groans half asleep and turns away. "Let me sleep..m' tired.."

I smile a little at her. "Nope. You need to wake up and get ready. Someone will be here soon." I tell her.

She sits up and rubs her eyes before looking at me. "Help me get ready then?" She asks and I nod.

I help her change and I brush her hair before braiding it. "Mummy never did my hair.." she says sadly.

I place her on my hip and someone knocks on the door. I put on my mask then go to answer it.

"Hello. I'm Mr.Walt from the agency." The man says.

"Hi, I'm Corpse. Please Come in, can I get you anything to drink? Water? Coffee? Tea?" I ask.

"Oh some water would be wonderful." He says and makes his way over to a chair in the living room. I go to the kitchen and look down at Lexi on my hip. "Be on your best behavior okay?" I whisper.

She nods and we bring him a glass of water. "Thank you so much." He says as we sit down on the couch. She cuddles into my chest.

"So this is Alexis?"

"Yeah. Say hi bug."

"Hi.." she squeaks out. I rub her back to calm her a bit.

"So Alexis how did you find Corpse?" He asks her.

"Well he found me. Mummy left me in the grocery store and when he called her she said she doesn't want me anymore.." she whispers the last part.

"So he took you in?"

"Yeah. He's very nice to me. Nicer than my old mummy and daddy and my other dad (her step dad) but don't tell them that." A fearful look takes over her. I whisper to her that it's okay and that they can't hurt her anymore.

He smiles a bit at us and he walks around the apartment to see if it is safe for her. He comes to sit down about 15 minutes later and smiles.

"It seems like you can financially support her and give her a good place to stay. You can fill out these forms and she can stay with you."

Alexis looks at me confused. I look down at her. " you want me to sign these papers and be your dad..?" I ask her.

She nods quickly. "Yes yes yes pleaseeeeeeee."

"Okay okay calm down bug." I tell her and chuckle while signing the paperwork.

"Well I'll be on my way. You two stay safe now and have a good day." He says and leaves.

I pick up Alexis and place her on my hip then go to the kitchen. "How about a movie day?"

"That sounds fun. We have movie days sometimes in preschool."

I put some popcorn in the microwave then go back to the living room with her. I close the curtains and look down at her. "Wanna make a fort with the couch cushions and blankets?"

She nods and we make a fort. I run back to the kitchen to put the popcorn in a bowl and grab two juice boxes before returning to her.

I open up Netflix on my tv and crawl into the fort with her. "What do you want to watch?" I ask her.
She ends up picking Inside Out. At the part where Bing Bong dies she starts to tear up.

"Oh sweetie, it's alright.." I tell her.

"B-but what if I forget about Mr.Rabbit.."

"I don't think you ever could. He's too amazing to forget bug." She giggles a little and returns her attention to the movie.

I look down at my phone which is spammed with texts from Rae, Sykkuno, Poki, Jeremy, Lud and Sean. I turn it off. I'm trying to spend time with my girl.

Heyyyyyy. I got a new part for you all. Enjoy, and happy holidays from my family to yours. Stay safe and healthy.
Lots of love,


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