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The duo walked back into the offices. Angie with her happy meal box in hand, and Emily with a coffee. The smaller one wore a big smile. Clearly no longer worried about the incident. That was until she focused on the bullpen.

"Ms. Blancher." Angie said, her smile dropping flat. She never hated the lady, but just never liked her either. The lady was always just in her business. Trying to catch her acting out. "You're here."

"Angie, I'm here to take you back. You'll be back in a foster home tomorrow afternoon." The old lady smiled.

"I don't want to!" Angie whined. Being louder than usual.

"Well, I'm sorry, but you have to. Now let's go." Ms. Blancher shrugged. Penelope came in, dragging the attention to her.

"The photo that Angie mentioned, they recovered it." The blonde told them. While all three adults were distracted, Angie took the chance to slip off.

The moment she was out of sight, she booked it. Sprinting down hallways. Eventually getting lost. She wandered halls, getting weird glances from staff. Soon being stopped by a older blonde.

Her hair was down to her shoulders. Dressed in a suit jacket and pencil skirt. She hovered over Angie. Them both just looking at each other. A few moments go by, no talking, just staring.

"I'm Angie," the little kid held out her hand. The older lady took it, giving a firm shake.

"Erin. May I ask what you're doing here?" Erin interrogated. Curious as to why a child is running around her building, alone.

"Oh, I was brought here by Emily and her friends. I ran off. Ms. Blancher wanted to take me." She frowned. "Don't tell them though! I don't want to go."

"I'm afraid that's out of my power. Come on, I'll walk you back." Erin weakly smiled, holding out her hand. Angie glanced between the hand and Erin's face. In a flash, the child was running again.

The idea of going back to foster care didn't settle with Angie. She wanted a family that would actually keep her. One that wouldn't end up dead. The thought of just living the same night over and over, brought tears to surface.

Vision becoming blurry, Angie still ran. Even though being on the break of tears, running was all she could do.

She turned a corner, stopping in her tracks. At the end of the hallway stood Hotch. There were two other directions she could go. Forward or backward. She turned, so her body was now facing Aaron. Giving her the view of all three paths. Behind Hotch now stood Derek.

She was running short on decision making. Quickly, she chose the forward path. Dashing down the hallway. Listening to heavy footsteps behind her. Her tiny feet hitting the cold floor. Turning another corner, she was faced with more problems.

Behind her stood Derek, to her right and left stood Emily and JJ. Her options were getting cut short. Leaving forward. She knew that they would catch her in a dead end eventually. Then forward she went. Hearing all three grown ups follow after her.

She went around the corner, hiding behind a big plant. Watching as the three adults stop in front of the plant.

"Where'd she go?!" Derek examined the crossing. "I'll go check down here, she couldn't have gotten far."

"I'll go tell Hotch. We're gonna have to lock down the floor." JJ nodded, leaving Emily.

"You can come out now." Emily tilted her head to look behind the plant. It took Angie by surprise on how Emily knew where she was hidden. She crawled out, her head hung low. "Why'd you run?"

"I don't want to go." Angie truthfully answered. She sat down on the floor, tired from all her running. Letting her cheeks become tear stained.

"Why not? Ms. Blancher seemed nice." She pried.

"I don't want a new family. I want the one I had. " She responded. It was true, Angie just wanted her dead family back.

"I know, and I'm sorry, but you have to go. There's not much we could do." Emily sympathized. Without another word, they held hands and went towards the bull pen.

Seeing everyone there, including Erin. They all stared at her. She had caused a commotion. Having people chase her around. Stalling them from catching their murderer. She hid behind Emily's leg.

"And you can't do anything?" Angie mumbled. Emily gave a little laugh. Sadly shaking her head.

"Come on Angie," Ms. Blancher waved her over. More tears pushed their way out. She trudge over, sad to leave the group.

Ms. Blancher held onto Angie's hand, making sure she wouldn't run off again. Walking towards the elevator, the silence between the two was eerie. That's when it popped into Angie's head.

"Why don't you adopt me?!" She quizzed excitedly at Emily. She had grown a strong bond with her already, and she wouldn't have to bother fitting in either.

"I-I couldn't," Emily stuttered. It was unexpected for the idea, but not a crazy one.

"Why not?!" She pushed. Emily looked hesitant. "Please?" Emily stood in thought. Clearly leaning towards no.

Instead of giving an answer, she crouched down to Angie's level. Opening her arms for a hug. Which the tiny child accepted. Holding on tight. It lasted for at most a minute.

They pulled away, "You know as much as I would love to, I wouldn't be able to. Not with my job, but I will make a deal with you. You can come visit us any time."

"But I want to stay with you," Angie cried quietly.

"I know, but I just can't. With this job I travel." Emily mentioned, wiping the tears of the tiny cheeks. Angie hugged her one last time. Then retreating back to Ms. Blancher's side. She gave one last wave and they were gone. No longer a bother to the BAU.

Emily watched her every step as she left. Once gone, she bit back the tears. Admitting to herself, the connection between her and Angie was strong. Within the one night they've spent together, they seem like they knew each other for longer.

She stood up and walked off on the group. Heading for the bathroom. Watching Angie leave, after she could've changed that, it just didn't feel right. She stood above the sink. Staring down into the drain with both hands on each side of the sink.

"You okay?" JJ worried. She was closets to Emily and knew she could get her to talk.

"Yeah, just...," She paused. She would be lying if she went on. "No. Did you see the way she looked at me before she left? Like she was begging me to change my mind. Except I didn't. What if her next family is killed?"

"Hey, don't think like that. She'll be fine. Plus, we have the guy pinned, all we have to do is get him." The blonde soothed.

"I know, I just...she was so sad to go. Even though she's more than welcomed to come visit, I just feel bad." Emily confided.

"She's a tough one. She'll be ok." JJ placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You're right. Ok. Now lets finish this case." She faintly smiled.  She shook her hands. They hug and exit the bathroom.

In the end, they wrapped up the case, catching the guy. He claimed that it would never be over. There would be more going after Angie. They took those words in, but never knew what they would mean. Time went by and Angie had gotten adopted, finally.

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