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Angie skipped down the stairs. In a new, much more natural colored outfit. Wearing a peach checkered dress and her white vans. The dress falling to her mid thigh.

"Your outfit gives me flower girl vibes." Emily said from the doorway. Angie seemed lost on whether it was supposed to be an insult or a compliment. "It's a compliment. I promise."

"Wow, hating on the style. Is it because it's better than yours?" The shorter girl retorted. Emily shook her head in response.

"Lets go before there's a new crime scene," she joked. The two fashionably walked out the apartment. Bumping into Emily's neighbor.

"Emily! Just the person I was looking for! And mini Emily?" The new face beamed. Not really paying much attention to Angie.

"Well that sounds sus," Angie looked to her left, well more so the ceiling on her left. When she looked back towards the neighbor, she was just staring at her with confusion.

She took a sharp inhale before continuing. "Anyways! I was wondering if you wanted a cat? Bean just had kittens, and I can't keep them all. You were the first person I thought of when it comes to cats."

"You should definitely take her up on that offer! You could use more friends that aren't human!" Angie nudged. Emily gave her a quick glare.

"I would love to take one, but with my work I would just never be home to take care of them." She declined. "Thank you though!"

"Of course, and if you do ever change your mind, I'll have one for you." The neighbor smiled before going back to her apartment.

"Should've said yes," Angie mumbled. Emily rolled her eyes, walking towards the stairway.

The two get into the car, Angie completely oblivious to where they were going. Focusing on the street signs and the variety of people. When they made a turn that heads away from the building they worked in, Angie became curious.

Wanting to raise a question, she weighed the answers. It's a surprise. Don't worry about it. You'll see. She gnawed at the inside of her cheek, staring blankly at the world still.

"I know you're wondering why we turned the opposite way from the bureau. We're going to Penelope's. She wants to take you shopping." Emily broke the train of thoughts. "Meanwhile, I'll be at Rossi's setting up for tonight."

"Shopping for what? I mean no complaints, but I still haven't gotten everything from my old home." Angie reminded. Her head tilting just a bit.

"Yeah, which we'll be doing tomorrow. She just said, drop you off and go to Rossi's." Emily summed up.

"Cool, I guess?" Angie questionable said. When the car comes to a stop outside of a apartment complex. "So, I take it this is where I leave?"

"Yup, she's in apartment 213." Emily smiled, only before she started to shoo Angie out the car. "Have fun!"

"I will," Angie laughed. Heading into the building, she looked lost for a brief second before finding the right way. Counting every number. 209, 210, 211, 212. "213! I'm so smart," she praised herself.

As her hand went to connect with the wooden door, it opened at the same time. "You made it!" Penelope cheered. There she was in a black dress that had blue and purple flowers. A simple purple sweater over.

"I did! I was very happy when I found it. I was also told we're going shopping? For what?" Angie gave a small chuckle at the end of her words.

"Uh, because I'm going to spend the most time with you before everyone else can!" She shrugged, letting Angie into the apartment.

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