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The morning everyone woke up, a rose had been delivered. Each member of the team getting one. All with the same note.

She's not safe. Never will be.

And they brushed it off for their case, but didn't forget. Everyone just on more of a look out within the surroundings. 

"5 teenager murdered. Nothing connecting them except being teenager in Virginia who live alone. Otherwise, they share nothing in common. Different schools, back stories, races, sexualities, and they all died differently. They don't even live near each other. But they were so random, that they called us in." Penelope briefed.

"So just 5 teens murdered? With no cause or anything?" Emily knitted her brows. 

"Yeah, its weird. There's barely any evidence. It was all cleaned up. The only way they were found, was when the school called the police after a week of their absence. They're spread out all over the state. Meaning, if you take this case, you have to split up." The blonde sighed.

"How do you approach something like this?" Morgan questioned. "Do we split up? Speaking as if this is the same unsub. I mean, nothing about their deaths are similar. They could just be random kills."

"We're not taking it. There's no need for us to go in. If more show up, we'll take it." Hotch dismissed. He walked out first, soon everyone following close behind him. All going to their desk. Opening manila folders and writing in them. 

That's how the morning went.


It became lunch time. Or at least Angie's lunch. She was going to ask Emily, but didn't bother. Instead she just left by herself to a near by grocery store.

"So, what was the whole ordeal with the roses? We all got one, I assume." Morgan was the first to speak. "We all know the note was directed towards Angie. And I can't be the only one who found it weird that she went out alone. If I got a note like that I'd be with someone all day."

"Who knows, maybe she didn't want to be cooped up with someone all day." JJ pushed off the situation. 

"I don't know. It does seem a bit odd. One day, out of the blue, she brings up the man that murdered her family, and then a rose saying she's not innocent also shows up. She knows about the note but still went out alone? Seems a bit out of her normal behavior." Reid profiled the young girl. 

"Maybe someone should call her?" Rossi suggested. Penelope being the only one with her phone on hand, dialed the teens number.

"Angie? Where are you? Hello?" The blonde spoke into the phone. There was nothing coming from the other side. It was just the sound of soft, controlled breathing. "Angie?" Penelope called, only this time she was louder.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. Angie stood in the middle of the isle. A gun at her side and a dead body in front of her. "I have to go."

"Wait! Angie!" The tech analyst quickly rushed off. Everyone following. The small space she called an office, held the six adults. Penelope frantically typing to find the location of the phone. Only, to get an alarm from the small grocery store near by. Three people had been shot. 

The same grocery store that Angie's location was at. "What did she get herself into?" Emily softly said. 

The team moved to get Hotch. Meeting him half way. "I hope you all saw the alert." He said. Confused why everyone looked as if they had seen a ghost. "What?"

"Our unsub. We already know who it is." Morgan answered for the group. Hotch, not catching on, gave a look for him to continue. "It's Angie."

"Go. We would be looking for a small black car. Assuming she took Prentiss's." He lead them to the elevator. "She's smart. We need to think several steps ahead."

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