George: The Weapons Alchemist

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"Remind me again why we're late for Alchemy, Fred?" George asked as they ran through the hallways, leading them to the western side of the castle.

"Two words, George," Fred replied, "Girl friend."

"That's one word."

"Is not," Fred argued, the thundering sound of their footsteps startled Filius Flitwick, who was occupied preparing for a Charms class. Oblivious, Fred and George climbed the stairs apace, leaving Flitwick with only the empty corridor to blame.

"Four sickles," George said.

"Six sickles," countered Fred.

The twins had reached their destination before George could seal the bet. Fred twisted the knob in haste, meeting everyone's gaze as they stepped inside the room. An old man with a plump belly stood at the front. George recognized him. Slughorn, he thought, surprised he even remembered the name.

"We're sorry for being late, sir," apologized Fred. "We have no excuses really."

"And we're not smart enough to come up with one." George chided.

Everyone laughed. "Not to worry," Slughorn said. "Find yourselves a seat.

George surveyed the room and saw Angelina, waving for Fred to occupy the empty seat next to her. Ever since the Tri-Wizard Tournament, Fred and Angelina had been dating. George, however, was still a single git.

Fred jogged to join his girlfriend, leaving George wondering if he should ditch the class instead. Slughorn wouldn't mind, he thought. He would just assume George was a bit deranged. To be fair, even he thought he was slightly mad.

"What are you still standing there for?" Slughorn asked.

"I'm sorry, sir, but it seems that I have nowhere else to sit."

Slughorn scanned the room. "You can take the seat next to Belinda."

His eyes widened at the mention of the alchemist's name. George surveyed the room again, surprised that he missed her. Belinda Gaunt was the only reason he agreed to be listed for alchemy. He had no guilt for his intentions. The reason for everyone's sudden interest in the discipline was not because they suddenly wanted to turn silver into gold; it was her.

A gloved hand was raised. "Over here," she said.

George followed the voice towards the very back of the room and saw her. The Daily Prophet once mentioned that Belinda's raven-black hair and dark onyx eyes commanded attention. They weren't lying, he thought. Belinda made George feel both excited and intimidated. Her eyes glued into him whilst he trod towards her direction did not help.

Belinda dropped her hand as soon as he caught her gaze. George did not hold eye contact. It would only make him feel even more nervous. As he neared his seat, he passed by Cassius Warrington, who was glaring at him with his eyes and nose. His smug face irritated George. He welcomed it. Irritation was better than nervous.

"Hello," She said, as soon as he sat down. "Belinda Gaunt."

He knew who she was. Every witch and wizard in the country knew who she was. Her achievements in Magical Weaponry has been unrivaled. Rumors had been circulating that her transfer to Hogwarts was highly influenced by the Ministry of Magic, fearful that she may offer her talents to somewhere else. Her recent invention, The Magnus Entrapment, was said to be a cage no magic can penetrate. Any spell or curse would simply bounce back to the wizard who cast them, tenfold. It was terrifying. The whole wizarding world agreed.

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