Chapter thirteen

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The twins leave after dinner and I wave goodbye to Nancy and her kids as they leave. I shut the front door and turn to make my way to the living room. Once I'm comfortable on the couch I turn on the tv and try to find something to watch. I settle with the discovery channel and reach behind me to grab a blanket. Instead of soft plush I come in contact with some thing hard, I huff and turn to see where the blanket is.

I see Donny behind me and roll my eyes. "What do you want?" He walks over to the lazy boy and plops down. "Who was that guy you were with today?" He asks me and I let out a dry laugh. "Why do you care?" He frowns and looks at the tv. "Why wouldn't I care? You're still my best friend." I huff and stare at the giant shark that's being shown on tv. "Donny I don't think this is going to work. You don't seem to understand that the things you do have consequences. I'll still be your friend but I don't think a relationship is worth pursuing." I stare him in the eye so he knows I mean it. "Stormy please. I'm sorry for kissing that girl. I don't know what came over me. I know that I was rude the other day as well." He apologizes but I have to stand on my word.

He could wanna experience things with other people because he hasn't had the chance. "Hailey I want to be with you. When I touch you my skin feels like it's on fire, when I kiss you everything stops and I feel happy. When I kissed Katie I felt nothing I swear!" He's in front of me now trying to get me to look at him. "Please Hailey." I sigh and turn to him. I stare into his eyes and I see the sincerity but I still need time to be sure. "Okay how about we stay friends until you're fully human again, then we can see where that takes us..." He gives me a half smile and nods. "Okay." He joins me on the couch and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "Speaking of humanity, how long until you're fully transformed?" His face scrunches up then he looks down at me.

"Three weeks." I nod slowly and turn my focus back to the tv. That gives us time to see if what we're feeling is real and not just us missing each other. As I lay against Donny I feel my eyes get heavy and then they give up and I'm asleep. This feels different though, it's hard to breathe and the darkness is overwhelming.
"Welcome back child." The voice make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. "What do you want?" I know it's the ghost from the graveyard and I force myself to stay calm. "I want the boy. He belongs with me, after all I am his maker." A face comes into view and it's his dad. I gasp and instinctively move my foot backwards. That causes me to fall flat on my back so I'm stuck looking up at Mr. Rogers.

"He deserves to be happy. He shouldn't be around a evil thing like you." I force myself to get up and face him. "You won't have him! I won't let you hurt him again." He laughs and the sound resonates all around me. The darkness fades and I'm back in my living room.
Donny still has his arm around me but he's fast asleep. I sit up and stretch, I look at the clock and it's 2:30 am. I walk into the kitchen and grab the bowl of fresh fruit out of the fridge. I walk back to the living room and sit down. I grab my purse from the table and grab my favorite box out of there. I quickly roll up and then light it so I can eat my fruit in happiness. Donny stirs next to me and I look at him as he wakes up. He smiles at me when his eyes find mine.

"Hey beautiful." I smile at him before blowing the smoke in his face. "We talked about this." He rolls his eyes before taking the blunt from me. "And I told you that you're the one I want so I'm gonna stand on that." He smirks at me and the butterflies in my stomach start a frenzy. I look away from him and grab the remote off the table. He passes me the blunt and I take two big puffs before holding them in. When I blow them out I feel the tiredness coming on. "Yes this is the good shit." I laugh to myself as I pass it back to Donny. We smoke and watch this movie about a girl who gets kidnapped for seven years. It's so interesting I'm upset when it's over, "It needs more ugh! I hate when they end like that." Donny laughs and then makes himself comfortable on the couch forcing me into the corner.

"Donny come on!" He looks over at me and then drags the bowl of fruit towards himself. He pops a grape in his mouth then smiles. "You can join me up here, I'll make room." He proceeds to scoot over and I raise my eyebrow at him. "No. I don't th-" he interrupts me and I frown. "I'm not moving storm so you can either come up here, with me or make the long walk to your bedroom." He shrugs and then eats a strawberry. I grumble to myself as I crawl next to him. He lets me get comfortable and I end up with my leg intertwined with his. He rubs my back and hands me a grape that I happily take.

We stay like that until the sun starts to peak through the blinds. My eyes opens and close slowly before I sit up and look down at Donny. He smiles up at me lazily and I look away so he can't see me blush. This is going to be hard for me because in the short amount of time he's been back and I've been helping him I think I fell for him. I grab his hand and lead him up to my bedroom so we can sleep in my bed. We crawl under my blanket and he wraps his arm around me pulling me closer to him. I snuggle against him and smile to myself before falling asleep.

Whewwwww hope you guys like the story so far! This has been one of my most mysterious stories, even for me! Leave a vote and a comment❤️

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