Chapter four

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After the dance off, which the girls won, I lead Donny to the back patio, it's quieter out here. "So are you gonna tell me where you been these past five years or do I not get to know?" I sit on my porch swing and wait for him to speak. As the moonlight shines on him, his skin glows and those eyes of his seem brighter than before. "Hailey you wouldn't believe me if I told you." He whispers. I frown and wait for him to join me on the swing.

"Try me Donny. Do you know how bad it hurt not being able to say bye to my bestfriend?" I look out at the forest behind my house. He says nothing but he places his hand on my thigh. The butterflies that were once calmed down were now doing the chacha dance in my stomach. I stare at his hand for a while then look away. "I missed you so much storm. You don't know how hard it was to be so close to you but yet so far at the same time." His words make me frown and I finally look over at him. "My Facebook never changed. All you had to do was reach out Donny." He looks away and I sigh. "It wouldn't have worked that way." He gets up and walks over to the railing of my balcony. "And why the hell not?" I follow behind him.

He ignores me and I groan in frustration. "Five years and you still do this. Should have known that would have stayed the same." I turn and pace back and forth. I feel his hands on my arms and it stops me from moving. I stare at his chest and he sighs using his hand to make me look at him. "I'm not the same person you knew storm. I'm different now I promise..." I scoff and raise a eyebrow. "I'm just supposed to take your word?" He frowns and before I can process what's going on he kisses me. I gasp and he takes that as a sign to enter my mouth. I kiss him back and let my tongue dance with his. My body explodes with fireworks and his hands fall onto my hips. I pull him closer to me and wrap my arms around him. "Donny.." I pull away and whisper. He places his forehead on mine and lets out a breath.

"I've waited so long to do that." He smiles at me and I stare at his face. He's certainly grown up, stubble grows around his chin and his jaw is perfectly shaped. He's even gained some muscle to his body. I allow my hands to slip under his shirt and he closes his eyes. "Look I need your help." I stare at him in the darkness that now surrounds us. "What?" He finally looks up from the ground and I can see the fear in his eyes. "I need you to solve what happened to me. All I remember is going home that night we got in trouble and then waking up not being able to talk or touch you. Just floating with you, like a second skin waiting for you to notice I'm there." His words confuse me and I shake my head. "What are you talking about?" He kisses me once more and before I open my eyes I already know he's gone.

Sadness fills my heart and I head back into the party. Jackson and Sophia walk over to me with smiles. "Where did Donald go? I wanna talk plays with him." Jackson says as he looks behind me. I frown because the two have never even spoken to eachother. "He left. He had to go back home." Jackson nods and I turn to Sophia. "You remember Donny?" She frowns at me. "Why wouldn't I? He's my gym partner." I stare at her as she turns to speak to someone else. "What is going on?" I ask myself. Shaking my head I tell myself to let it go and focus on having fun. I walk into the kitchen to grab a cup of the punch I made with Jackson and find people in there taking shots. They ask me to join them and I agree. We end up playing never have I ever and I somehow end up taking the most shots.

When everyone starts to leave the girls help me up to my room to get changed into some pajamas. They leave me up there as they make sure everyone left and there were no stragglers. I lay back in my bed and close my eyes, letting my head spin in circles. I can smell evergreens and laundry detergent in the room so I open my eyes. Donny is standing in the corner of my room watching me. "What the hell?" I whisper shout at him. He raises his hands up and makes his way over to me. "You did the dip on me earlier. You're a douche." I say to him as I sit down on the edge of my bed. "I'm sorry." He sits next to me rubbing his hand up and down my back. I get goosebumps and of course he notices. That was one thing I hated about my Donny, he always noticed everything.

"Here take my jacket." He slides off his brown corduroy jacket and placed it on my shoulders. His smell fills my nose and I smile. He leans back and pats the space next to him. I crawl over there and lay next to him. "We can talk tomorrow Hailey. Get some sleep." He says as he stares up at my ceiling. "What about the twins?" I ask as I yawn. "They won't even know I'm here." He turns over and kisses my forehead. He lays back down and I take the opportunity to stare at the side of his face. The way his eyes are glowing from the moonlight gives me shivers. He pulls the blanket around me and I feel the warmth from my bed around me. I snuggle closer to Donny and I can hear him chuckle. He runs his hand through my hair causing me to fall asleep faster but before sleep took me I'm pretty sure I heard Donny tell me he missed me.

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