Chapter eight

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Without thinking I throw on all black and grab my 'ghost bag' out of the closet. I check every piece of equipment that was in the bag and change the batteries in the ones that need them. I listen for the sound of Nancy walking to her room and wait for the click of her door. Once the coast is clear I make a dash for the front door and quietly slip out.

I jump on my motor scooter and just ride. It took over a hour but I'm finally in the place that feels right. I set up my emf meter and a few night vision and laser cameras. I haven't touched this stuff since we nearly burned down that house in Durbyville. I sit down and pull out the quiji board I used for things like this. I dive right into what I came here for and it's almost as if someone or something was waiting for me. "Is someone there?" I ask the board and instantly the pointer goes to yes. A smile takes over my face and I quickly ask another question. "Are you a man or a woman?" The pointer starts to fly across the board making me jump back. I follow the letters and frown when 'neither' is spelled out.

"Who are you?" I grab my extra camera and turn it on so I can make sure to get this experience on film. 'A friend' is spelled out and my mind instantly goes to Donny. "Haha Donald. Very funny." The board doesn't move anymore and I look around for Donny but I don't see him. "Donny?" I slowly pick up the pointer and hold it to my eye so I can see into what others call the unknown. I look all around me but see nothing, I'm about to give up when a shape moves in the trees. I slowly bend down making sure the keep the pointer on my eye so I could see what was going on. I throw my cameras into the bag and then quickly use the pointer to say goodbye. As I try to put the board in my bag something knocks it out of my hands. The same force comes back and scratches my neck. I cry out and grab my bag.

Strong hands grab my arm and I turn my head. I come face to face with Ray, one of Donny's friends from the space in between. "Run." I nod and start to run down the path of the graveyard with Ray right behind me. "Go left!" I don't waste any time doing as he says. I look behind me but I don't see him anymore. Before I can turn around and go back towards him I bump into a black force. "You'll never save that precious boy of yours." The voice growls out.  Goosebumps cover my body and I pray that Ray is gonna come save me. "Who are you?" I whisper. The black force moves around me, surrounding me in a black cloud. "One of the elders. You've been disobeying our rules." I shake my head and try to move but I can't. "What rules?!" The darkness disappears and I can hear Ray screaming my name.

"I'm over here!" The sound of footsteps getting closer eases my heartbeat some. "Are you okay? I was behind you then you just disappeared!" Ray examines me before nodding to himself. "We have to go. Whatever was told to you is a lie. That was something way more evil then anything I've ever encountered." He leads us out of the cemetery, I jump on my motor scooter and groan. Checking the time on my watch I see it's 3:27am. I have to be up in four hours and I'm out here chasing ghosts by myself. "I'll tell Donny to come check on you." Ray disappears and I'm left even more confused then I was this morning. How was he able to come save me? How did he know where I was? Where was Donny?

The right back home seemed to take forever and I couldn't wait to just lay in my bed. When I pulled up to the house the lights were on and a shadow passed by my living room window. Fear strikes me and then I remember Nancy is still inside. I jump off my scooter and grab the pocket knife I kept in the front of my bag. I push the front door open and slowly make my way into the living room. "Donny you're a wreak please sit down." I hear Nancy and I hide the knife in my pocket before turning the corner. I find the pair in the living room, Nancy trying to console him and Donny... well he's on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"Guys?" Their heads whip towards me and I fight the burger to make a joke about them getting whiplash. Donny runs over to me and scoops me up into his arms. "What the hell were you thinking?" He says as he sets me down. I frown and turn towards Nancy who only shakes her head and then makes her way upstairs. The minute we're alone Donny explodes on me. "What the fuck Hails?! You could have gotten yourself killed! Fuck!" He starts to pace back and forth and I feel the anger building up inside of me. "What do you mean? It felt right, it felt like everything was okay again." He freezes and when he looks at me his hazel eyes are so intense I look away. "Ahhh there it is... you always use that same excuse whenever I'm upset. You don't give a damn about me or how I feel about you. I've fooled myself, you know what forget it."

He sits on the edge of the couch and I don't want to fight with him but I can't control my mouth. "Oh so I don't care? You know what, you're fucking right. I'm running around here kissing fucking PLASMA! You're not even real, your skin is cold and when I lay on your chest I hear nothing. You know how strange it is to lay with a corpse?!" My hands fly over my mouth and my eye go wide. He looks away from me and before I can apologize he's gone. "Dammit!" I run upstairs to my room and throw the stupid bag in the corner. I plop on my bed and before I k is it the tears are falling. The pain I feel hurts worse then when I lost my parents... "I'm such a fucking asshole."

I don't know how long I lay on my bed and cry but when my eyes finally open back up it's 9:30 in the morning. I grown and make my way downstairs to grab something to eat before getting ready for school. Nancy appears out of nowhere and I cringe when she doesn't speak to me. "I'm sorry Nancy, what I did to you guys last night was uncalled for. I should have just told you." She turns to look at me and I find forgiveness in her eyes. "I appreciate the apology but it's not me who you hurt.." I sigh and hang my head. "I know..." she pays my back then places a açaí bowl in front of me. "Eat up we have a busy day ahead of us." She walks off and leaves me confused at the island. I eat quickly then rush upstairs to take a shower.

When I get out of the shower I look at my reflection in the mirror and frown. My reflection matches how I feel, ugly. I turn away and walk across the threshold into my bedroom. I walk over to my dresser and pull out a white lace panty and bra set. I slip them on and wrap my hair into a ponytail. I turn around to grab my phone off my bed and instead I come face to face with Donny. "You came back?" I whisper. He stares at the ground for a while before looking up at me. His eyes are stone and my heart sinks. "Are you still going to help me?" For a minute I'm confused but then I remember the promise I made to him. "Yea." He nods and hands me a note. Before I can ask he's gone and I hold in my tears. I finish getting ready so I can help Nancy with whatever it is she has planned.

A Ghostly LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ