5 | avery hasn't told you?

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"Hey," Calvin rushed into the lobby, not my bedroom, twenty minutes after I texted him. "You said you wanted to talk?"

I turned around to face him with a small smile. "I did."

Calvin's frantic panic morphed to worry when he saw the calmness in my expression. "Vesper..."

I lifted an eyebrow, thinking that maybe he would confess but Calvin didn't utter a single word. "I'm leaving in three months, Calvin. Did you know that?"

Did you know that I saw you cheat on me with my sister? Did you know that I cried after because you were my first kiss? Did you know that I realized that you didn't matter even a bit to me compared to my sister?

"No." He shook his head but I found it hard to believe that Ella never whispered it into his ear to convince him to do what he did. "Where are you going?"

"Away from here," My eyes crinkled in acceptance. I wasn't mad at him, really. Just tired. "I'm sorry."

"Vesper," Calvin started to plead, "We can do long distance-"

My composure was almost lost at his pleading. Fury filled me and I wanted to shout "And what? Pretend like I don't know you're cheating on me with my own sister?" However, I tampered down the fire and instead laughed gently. I wondered if he could hear the humorless tone in my voice.

"No. No we couldn't and frankly, I don't want to, Calvin."

"What?" He stared at me, gaping. Panicking. Mind racing.

Was he thinking of last night? That maybe I knew he cheated?

"You should leave," I simply answered, turning away from him when his analyzing gaze became too intense. "Goodbye, Calvin."

He hesitated before saying the only thing there was left to say. "Goodbye, Vesper."

The door clicked shut and for a moment, I just sat there. I had no idea how long I stayed there but I felt the ache in me heal a little by the closure I just gained.

The door opened again eventually. Arms wrapped around me. I turned to look at her, seeing the sympathy in her eyes. I couldn't even tell if it was genuine anymore.

"I'm sorry," Ella said.

If I hadn't witnessed what happened, then I would have thought my older sister was apologizing for the break up but now I knew. She wasn't apologizing for the circumstances.

She was apologizing for choosing a boy over me.


As promised, I met Camilla at nine.

Her place was around twenty minutes away as she lived in a different neighborhood from mine. In a way, I liked her house a lot more than mine because it was smaller and cozier. As I waved goodbye to Pierre, Camilla stumbled out to the driveway to meet me.

"You look so pretty," I told her genuinely. Camilla's sparkly gold dress was so much more bold and shorter that ironically, I suddenly felt underdressed than overdressed.

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