55 | azalea

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"You wouldn't ever leave without telling me, right?"

"I'd tell you."


"I promise."


It was almost dawn by the time I got into Avery's Mercedes, parked by Dragomir Manor's pool house. My cheeks were still wet from the tears that had fallen as Avery's words rang in my head. I wiped the wetness away, got into the driver's seat, and unlocked Avery's phone for a GPS.

A notification dropped and I accidentally clicked onto it. 

Stop trying to fuck her and get a confession so we can blackmail her
God I should have let Gloria take care of her when she asked to

No wonder they sent Avery into the room. Avery must have told them he could convince me to confess. I clicked out of the text to see another from someone else.

Avery!!! baby what's taking so long?
Remember what you said. She meant nothing to you

I quickly clicked out.

Blake's getting impatient
Why didn't you tell her that you did this to protect her?
Are you even going to ask her about the thing?

I paused, my finger hovering over the screen. Protect me? The thing? I exhaled shakily and decided to not dwell too much of these text messages. It felt like an invasion of privacy to go further in but I quickly scanned his recent texts.

Mason had sent him a photo of him lounging on a beach in New Zealand. Kalina was back with her family, sending him a picture of her cousin Grayson Jeong. Apparently, she had returned from Korea, fresh from a shopping spree. She said "all is well." Tyson had texted "Where the hell have you been?"

Surprisingly, Shannon's texts were unopened, despite it indicating that there were close to thirty unopened messages with the most recent "I'm sorry but I'm not sorry about Tyson." Sasha Laurence's had ten unopened messages. I couldn't help but open them.

i love you <3
please, avery
yk that i only plotted that with erik bc i was jealous.
can we just talk?

I scrolled to the last message Avery sent, which was thirty messages or so, and he had typed

Stop contacting me. I don't have time for this.

I pursed my lips. I exited the chat before scrolling back up, realizing that my profile had been pinned. A vague memory of him telling me to respond and pay attention to his texts. This was a few weeks ago, where Avery took my phone and pinned his profile on mine because I never responded. I didn't realize he had me pinned too. I looked into our last few messages.

I can't believe you told Professor Moore I started the assignment at 11:58pm
He lectured me about it after class for 15 minutes 

it was due at 11:59pm
did you even finish it in time?

If you do it the last minute

it will only take a minute
yeah i know

Why didn't you come to lunch with my teammates?
I thought I told you about it
Did you fall asleep by the time I was telling you?

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