14 | because of the cliffs

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Another envelope.

I picked it up and read the riddle inside. A small smile curled on my lips.

"Hello?" A voice on the other side of the wall echoed.

I froze, unsure how to react. A long moment passed before I tentatively whispered, "Father said these tunnels were deserted. They dug them as a secret and they should remain as one."

A shrug from him. "Well, my father never even told me there were tunnels."

"Why are you here then?"

"I was curious," he responded quietly. "And I'm looking for something."

"There's nothing down here," I laughed a little, wondering who this boy was. "How old are you?"

"I'm almost nine."

"So eight."

"Basically nine." He sounded frustrated.

"Okay, whatever you say." I nodded in agreement to him because Mother always told me to pretend to agree as to not offend anyone.

"What about you?"

"I just turned eight!" I grinned but then frowned when I realized I didn't know his name.

"What's your name?" he asked.

""Azalea. My name is Azalea."



Not ex-girlfriend, girlfriend, or even just friend. No, Satin was his fiancée.

Since I was caught off guard, I looked sufficiently startled to not have to fake my surprise. I just couldn't help the question simmering in my mind.

If Avery loved this girl, why was he so desperate to call it off?

Avery finally spoke and when he did, it was cold. "Ex-fiancée."

Satin sauntered close enough to push me away so that Avery's arm around me fell. She leaned in and I could smell her intoxicating perfume. "Ah, but darling, the engagement hasn't been canceled, has it?"

Avery's sharp jaw tensed as he clenched it. It hasn't.

Not yet.

"I told you," another annoyed voice cut through the tension, "we already missed the drama!"

Kalina, looking fully sober. And behind her, Mason.

Mason grumbled something about the wine cellar but Kalina's grip on his arm was tight. She grinned at all of us but when her gaze went to Satin, it darkened slightly. "Satin! I almost didn't think you'd come back from your little trip in Paris. You look nice... today."

I had never seen such passive aggressiveness from a girl like Kalina, who was all aggressiveness and fuck yous.

"But you still don't look sober at all, dear Kalina," Satin responded, perfectly prim and sweet except for her words.

Kalina ignored her. "I see you've met Vesper." Kalina let go of Mason to take my arm, sneering at Satin. "She's something unexpected, Satin. And for your benefit, I wouldn't try anything with her."

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