26 : Precious Moments

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Galan allowed himself to be pulled outside by the beautiful woman who never failed to amaze him. Marc and Leon's story tonight had made him fall in love with her even more. It surprised him that his heart could still grow to accommodate more feelings for her yet he wanted more. More time with her, more of a life with her, more... everything.

As she stood beneath the moonlight, his eyes couldn't seem to get enough of her. He gazed at her, his eyes devouring every aspect of her. He loved how her skin seemed to glow in the light of the moon, how her dark hair seemed to beg for his touch. Her lips beckoned to his and it was all he could do not to ravish them. Not to pull her to him and have his wicked, wicked way with her.

"If you look at me like that for much longer I will not be responsible for what might happen," she teased. The smile on her face made his feelings more intense but the unexpected comment floored him.

He laughed out loud, throwing his head back and closing his eyes.

"Can you blame me?" he asked, moving closer to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. She bit her lower lip and he groaned. "Don't do that, Tempest. Not unless you want me to do more than just look at you." His voice was husky and as he watched her blue eyes flutter shut and she took a deep breath, he couldn't help but raise her chin and press his lips to hers.

She responded immediately. Allowing him access and wrapping her arms around his neck. The mood was broken when more off key hollering intruded in their private moment.

"I used to work in Chicago, an old department store.
I used to work in Chicago, I don't work there anymore.
A lady came in for a power drill. A power drill from the store?
A power drill she wanted, drilled she got.
I don't work there anymore."

Both Galan and Tempest chuckled. They pulled away from each other and Tempest took another step back.

"Let me show you," she said. Galan thought he saw uncertainty on her face for a second but she took a deep breath and transformed.

He saw Tempest, blinked and she was gone. In her place stood the most amazing were creature he had ever seen. He felt his jaw drop, his eyes moving over the amazing form in front of him. He held out his hands to hers and she moved closer and nuzzled his hands.

She was huge. She almost came up to his chest and that in itself was amazing. Her coat was predominantly an orange-brown colour, with white and black stripes and spots. Her legs and belly were snow white and she had a short, black main that grew from the back of her head and trailed halfway down her back.

Her canines were longer than any he had ever seen on a were and they were something, alright. What mesmerized him, however, were her eyes. The blue of her eyes held him and as he touched her head, she nuzzled his chest. He rubbed her back and he swore she purred, although it sounded more like an approaching freight train.

"You're beautiful," he whispered as he continued to move his hands over her back. She huffed, then pushed her head into his chest gently. He wasn't sure what she wanted but when she pushed a little harder, forcing him back a little, he got it.

With a grin, he took off his shirt and pants and changed. In his Lycan form he was a full head and shoulders taller than her. His skin was ink black and his dark eyes drank in his mate. He bent down and rubbed his head against hers, happy that his scent would be on her, and hers on him.

His beast adored her and licked her face unexpectedly. She took a quick step back and her eyes widened. He felt his beast chuckle, the rumble coming from deep within his chest. Her eyes narrowed, and before he knew it, she had tackled him to the ground and licked his face twice, leaving a couple of trails of saliva on his face. He didn't mind, though, and loved the playful side of her. A side she hardly ever showed to anyone save her family.

His arms went around her neck and he rolled them over so she lay beneath him. He didn't realize how compromising their positions were until he noted that he was laying between her legs, their faces really close together, their breaths mingling between them.

"I used to work in Chicago, an old department store.
I used to work in Chicago, I don't work there anymore.
A lady came in for a gun. A gun from the store?
A gun she wanted, banged she got.
I don't work there anymore."

Tempest changed back into her human form and Galan did the same. His face was millimeters from hers and he lowered his face and kissed her gently on the lips.

"Tempest," he said softly to her as he pushed her hair out of her face, "I have envied the wind because it touched the parts of you that you would not allow me to touch. I was jealous of the earth beneath your feet because it kissed your soles in a way I would have loved to do. I hated how the rain fell down on you because you allowed it to caress you and I could only dream of that intimacy that you shared with it. But now, being here with you, like this, has made me happier than I have ever been in my life. Happier than I ever thought I deserved to be."

He took a deep breath and rested his forehead oh hers. He cherished the contact they had but didn't want her to feel rushed. He had already said so much more than what he felt he should have. He didn't regret it, though. He had needed to let her know how he felt.

He stood up and pulled her to her feet so they stood facing each other.

Her eyes had misted over and he wondered if she was feeling as emotional as he was. He sighed.

"I promised to give you time," he said as he took a step back, "And I will. It won't be easy but I gave you my word and I will honor it."

She nodded and blinked repeatedly. She opened her mouth to speak but she froze and her eyes rolled back and she seemed to stop breathing.

"I used to work in Chicago, an old department store.
I used to work in Chicago, I don't work there anymore.
A lady came in for a camel. A camel from the store?
A camel she wanted, a hump she got.
I don't work there anymore."

"Tempest?" Galan called to her, but she was unresponsive. He grabbed her shoulders and shook her gently. "Tempest?" he yelled louder.

Still nothing.

He called out to her again and saw Leon and Marc running towards them. Then, without warming, Tempest crumpled as though all the bones in her body had turned to cotton.

9 November 2020

Would have waited until Friday to update but these chapters go together so happy reading.

Galan getting his poetry on there. 😉

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