4 : Revelations and Reveals

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Aida spent most of the week that was left before Tempest's transformation doing research. She had a library that had a lot of ancient books in it and she spent a lot of time in there over the next few days. Some of the books were dated centuries ago and some were as recent as the previous week. Sam kept an eye on both of the women he held closest to his heart, worried sick about what was going to happen. For him, keeping to his routine was the best therapy.

Every morning he and Tempest went hunting as had been happening almost every morning for the past twelve odd years. He picked his bow and arrow off its stand and headed out of the house. He found Tempest waiting for him, her face turned to the sun and her eyes closed. She took in a deep breath and smiled.

"You really should learn to walk more quietly, Papa Sam," she laughed. "You sound like a herd of cows having a stampede."

"You had better run, girl," he gruffed. And she did.

She sped off faster than he ever thought possible. He blinked and she was gone. Even after all these years, he was still impressed by her speed. She had gotten faster with each passing year and was now so fast he swore if she ran any faster she would make it into the next decade. He had never seen anyone run as fast as she could and he had been around for a really long time. With a small smile on his face, he headed down the path they took every day. By now she had probably run all the way around the magical barrier that Aida had created as a protective shield around the twenty hectares that was their property. Tempest had taken it upon herself to check the security barrier twice a day, every day. Firstly, it allowed her to run and exercise. Secondly, despite Aida's assurance that nothing could get in or out without her knowing about it, she preferred to just check for herself.

Sam felt a gust of wind push at him as he continued walking.

"Find any deer yet, dear?" he asked.

He was rewarded by a chuckle as she whizzed past him on her second check. He kept walking, keeping a lookout for a possible small animal that they could have for lunch and dinner. A few moments later, Tempest came to a stop next to him. Her face was flushed and her hair was all over her face but she was barely winded.

"I saw some antelope on the far side of the creek," she told him as she led the way. They walked there slowly, enjoying the fresh air and warm sun. Tempest loved the freedom that the morning run afforded her. She enjoyed the feeling of the wind rushing past her, as though she were greased lightening flashing past a sleeping world.

"They came at night," she said suddenly. "I was sleeping when I heard the sounds of the attack. Mom and dad were in their rooms. Mom came to get me while dad went to rally the fighters. There was so much blood and so much screaming. They burnt everything down. None of the weres could transform. It was inexplicable. We fought but we were outnumbered and at a disadvantage. My parents told me to run and I did. My tribe... We were separated. I don't even know if any of them are alive. We are the last of my kind. There is .. there were less than fifty of us left. Now I do not know if I am the last one. I can't link any of them. The only thing I know of that can break tribal link so suddenly is..."

Death. The word was death but she didn't want to say it. She couldn't say it.

Sam stopped. He held her by her shoulder and gently turned her to face him. His dark brown eyes seemed to smoulder as he looked at this young girl who had come to mean so much to him in the last few years that she had been with them.

"You survived, Tempest. Being with Aida this long makes me believe it was for a reason," he said with a small smile. "Now, you have had a lot of time to think about this and you have decided to share it with me now. That makes me wonder what you have going on in that head of yours."

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