43 : Morphed

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"You have fought well but it ends now. This is where you all die," Noah said as his gaze swept over everyone, lingering for a longer moment on Victoria where she stood next to her husband.

"You need to stop this, Noah," Tristan replied. "How do you justify killing so many innocents?"

Noah curled his upper lip, his sneer clearly showing his disdain for the King of the Lycans. Ignoring him, he turned to look at Tempest with keen interest in his eyes. He cocked his head and his nostrils flared as he studied her. Without further acknowledging her, he looked around at the supernaturals around him.

Then, Noah looked up into the sky and screamed. As the sound reverberated around the clearing where mutated weres were changing back and dead bodies lay around, he started to change.

His body grew larger, taller, more muscular. He wasn't turning into anything that the beings surrounding him had ever seen before. His form was beyond anything that the supernatural world had seen. He was neither were nor Ogre nor Fairy. He just looked all sorts of wrong.

He focused on Tristan and the other Royals standing almost fifty meters away from him. He started walking towards them as his body continued to morph. The sinister grin on his face grew bigger as he approached his targets. What was more disturbing, however, was the glow around him that seemed to be powered by some unnatural force.

The grin on his face grew in victory as he walked past a group of moaning, broken Werewolves and Lycans lying on the ground. Gasps were heard as the beings all gravitated towards him like metals screws towards a powerful magnet. Their bodies seemed to mesh with Noah's and be absorbed by whatever power surrounded him. This made Noah grow bigger

Noah was about fifty meters from Tristan and Galan but as he ran past the other weres, Lycans and other supernaturals, his body continued to absorb them as he moved.

Some ran towards him, to attack, but they too were swept into the orb around him and absorbed by him.

By the time he reached Tristan he had tripled in size and had changed into something that was monstrous.

Tristan launched himself at the abomination that was Noah but he was swiped aside like a moth at the paws of a playful kitten. As one, the other supernaturals ran and attacked Noah.

"Stop!" Tempest screamed, but it was too late.

Noah screamed in mirth as every being that attacked him was absorbed into his orbit of power.


Damien had known she would be there before anyone else did. This was why he was here. To stop her. He flew over to where she stood, not too far from Noah. As Noah absorbed the bodies and essences of the beings around him, she regenerated. He watched as her previously decayed and wasted body became whole. She seemed to be absorbing energy through Noah because as Noah grew, she became more and more whole.

After watching this for a few moments, trying to understand what was going on, Damien changed back into his human form. He moved quickly to her and called out to her.

Natasha turned to look at him as he called out her name.

"Oooh! A dragon! Your essence will be enough to finally make me mortal again," she told him.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked her as she turned to face him full on.

"Why do you think?" she asked him in turn. "I want my life back."

"Your life ended, Natasha. There are no do-overs. You need to leave this world."

Her laughter was brittle and had no mirth in it. "My life was cut short. I want it back."

"Coming back as a bloodthirsty succubus wasn't enough for you? You had to destroy the world as well? What of your children? Will you kill them too?"

Suddenly she was in front of him, right in his face. He tried to take a step back but he could not move. She felt her fetid breath on his face and he gagged. Although she was almost fully restored, she was not quite there yet.


"Your boys, Natasha. Marc and Leon. Your children with Enoch."

Confusion swirled in her face as she regarded Damien intently, possibly looking for subterfuge in his face.

"My boys? They survived."

Noah nodded. "They did."

Natasha cocked her head as looked at him. "He didn't kill them when he killed me?"

"No, they survived. You saved them, Natasha."

"The spell worked?"

"Yes. They are here. Fighting against the creatures that you and Noah created. If you don't stop this though, they will die. Everyone will die. Including Marc and Leon. You have to stop this."

Natasha floated backwards, releasing Damien from whatever hold she had had on him.

"It was Noah," Natasha said, suddenly speaking out loud in a gravelly voice that sounded like it had not been used in centuries. "Noah killed me and tried to kill my boys."

Suddenly she turned to look at Noah, fury in her eyes as her hair floated around her like a red avenger's cape. Then, her face changed, became filled with sorrow as her eyes teared up and she wept.

"It is too late," she whispered. "The spell cannot be undone. Noah will not stop until he gets his way. The Royals will resist the power surrounding Noah. But only for a short while then they too will be absorbed and ended."

Damien turned slowly around to face the direction that Natasha was facing. Horror filled him as he saw what she had been talking about. Everybody that he passed gravitated towards him and was absorbed into him. The Royals were able to fight him but they were slow and lethargic, as though their strength was being sapped fast.

Tempest fought like a fury but she was not as fast as she should have been. Galan too. Tristan, Rainey and Enoch were holding their own but it was clearly a losing battle.

As they fought, the other supernaturals who fought with them were taken into Noah, leaving broken bodies behind as Noah used their essence and then rejected their broken and used up bodies.

"Natasha, please," he pleaded. "There must be something you can do."

"There is," Natasha said. Then, she grinned and blasted a ball of energy at Damien. Damien changed just in time as the ball hit him squarely on the chest. Had he still been in his human form, the shot would have done a lot more damage. He roared and a fireball burst from him, hitting Natasha, sending her flying backwards. She screeched and disappeared in an instant.

Damien felt his energy levels dropping and knew that Natasha had injured him badly. He sank to the ground and lay there, barely moving, struggling to breath. He didn't know if his blast had killed Natasha or not. Watching the carnage taking place on the battlefield, however, he knew she had managed to escape him somehow.

He needed to rest for a moment. Just a moment. Then he would get up and continue the fight.

Just for a moment.

He looked up as he felt his body change back to his normal form. His injuries would not allow him to stay in his dragon form. He thought his eyes deceived him when he saw something he had not thought that he would. But she had warned him. She had told him that she would wait for him until she could not wait anymore. And now she was here.

He closed his eyes and exhaled.


27 December 2020


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