Author's Note

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Hello, Readers!

Like you, I have recently revisited my love for the Harry Potter series and ever since then I have been writing stories in my head. However, this one, which I am about to share with all of of you is one that I can never get rid off. It's almost like it's begging to be told. And that's what I'm going to do.

A few reminders before going into the story:

1. This is transformative work.
The world and everything else besides Belinda and her family is all written by the original author.

2. This work is not canon.
If non-canon work offends you this might not be the read for you. As the writer, I felt the need to change a few things in order to accommodate it to my story.

3. I visualize the characters differently as how they were written in the books.
Unlike everyone else, I didn't get to read the series in my young years. My first interaction with the Harry Potter Series was through the films. I adored the films. Thus, when I started reading the books and learned about the character's descriptions, it didn't feel right to me. Then, I realized that I have already made my own version of the characters. As you read through this book, you may find inaccuracies and differences, this is because I made this book my own. 

4. This book was written in time of the Order of the Phoenix but without all the events that happened in the book.
All of the changes that happened during the time of the Order of Phoenix (most especially the appearance of Umbridge and the interference of the Ministry in Hogwarts) did not accommodate the dynamic of the story. Therefore, I decided to leave them out. I also needed to set the setting in this particular timeline in order to adjust to my character's age.

5. Read this as if it's entirely a different book.
This story, despite it being in the world of Harry Potter, is not Harry Potter's story. Therefore, I would suggest to everyone to read it as if it was an independent book, not entirely separate from Harry Potter, but is most definitely not about Harry Potter.

6. I apologize for the errors.
Since my first language is not English, I apologize for the mistakes I do make while writing it. I plan to write this free-hand and editing it only when it's finished.

With all the being said, I hope you will fall in love with this book as much as I did.

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