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Five people had been arrested under the suspected murder of the Kim family, while one of those people had also been charged under suspicions for Damon Watts murder.

I remembered them hauling Makayla, Nyla, and Jace off the scene in handcuffs. Alongside them, an officer carried both guns into one of the cop cars with her. The gun we'd dug up, and the gun that could've become a murder weapon if we hadn't stopped it, was slipped into a little clear plastic bag.

It wasn't that long ago. Just an hour or two. But it felt like several hours had gone by.

"Julia? Seriously? Wait, no. I don't care about her. Are you OK!? Like all of you," Skylar shouted into the phone again.

I groaned and held my phone away from my ears. "Yes, Skylar. Julia and Jamie were brought in, in cuffs too. Both on the verge of tears. And yes, for the last time, I'm fine, Sky. I'll be home soon. I promise."

"Where's Andrew? And Camille? And everyone else?" she asked question after question.

"They're all still inside. Stop it, woman. Relax. You've giving me a headache," I said, huffing.

On cue, I glanced back at the doors. I didn't have much to contribute, so I lingered outside the station as soon as I was released, after giving a statement. At least, until my taxi got here. I needed to head over to Andrew's apartment complex for my car.

"What about that chick? Silvia? You know what, I'll just wait. You have to tell me everything when you get home. No exceptions. Okay? Trying to get killed in Baskerville. I can't believe you," she rambled on.

I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone while she was mid-conversation. She was going to chew me out later. But I'd have preferred if she did that in person, then over the phone.

The last I saw of Silvia was in the police station. When we had all been brought into for questioning, she told me she would come clean before she was put into a separate room. I thought I'd misheard her at first, but no. She was serious.

I couldn't think of any other reason she'd have had a change of heart last minute, except now that she knew Delilah hadn't told Jeremy, though Delilah still told Jace. Maybe this was her way of mending things. It wouldn't change anything, but it was a start for herself.

All that was left, was closure.

"Alright, let's get this over with. . ." My fingers hovered over my dad's caller ID. I'd been contemplating, telling him about everything that went down today, since I'd arrived. I still wasn't sure how the words would come out. 


"Huh?" I glanced up. "Thomas?"

He had just jumped out of his car. His feet skipped along the sidewalk in my direction. Sweat dripped down his forehead. He was gasping for air. He looked as though he'd just run a marathon.

"Is Andrew still inside? Is everyone alright? We all heard about what happened. The news is running around town like crazy. You don't hear shit like this often in Baskerville," he said all in one breath.

"He's fine. They're inside. A few detectives are questioning them," I said, nodding.

"Thank God." Thomas let out a breath of air. He then walked closer to me.

Neither of us had said anything. I had one question rolling around in my head. Was this the right time to bring it up? Probably not. That hadn't stopped me from bringing it up anyways. I was too curious for my own good.

"Did you, um, hear about. . ." 

"I'm done with her," he said it before I could say her name. "I don't care if she rots in that prison cell. She lied to me. She. . . S-she. . ."

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