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"You fucking no good homewrecker." Julia's voice was heavy with anger.

A sickening nervous bug was eating away at my insides. I feared Delilah would collapse at any given moment, because she could barely hold up her trembling legs, and my knees were buckling before me.

It was safe to say, dealing with confrontation wasn't Delilah's best skill.

"Excuse me?" I emphasized. 

"Thomas should've dropped you the minute I told him I had a bad feeling about you. I knew you two were always pining after each other. My gut is always right." Julia's jaw clenched and her teeth gritted together.

"What the hell are you talking about? And are you stalking me now?" I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Don't worry about that. I asked around. You've got some nerve, you know that? You've got some balls too. Pitiful. You're so damn pitiful. A few days, Delilah. It was only a few days!" Julia let out a laugh, rushing her hand through her messy hair. 

She looked like she'd been sweating bullets searching for Delilah. She'd probably been asking everyone around town then. That wouldn't have been too off brand for her, knowing how dedicated she was to making Delilah's life a living hell.

"Listen, you damn psycho! I. Don't. Know. What. You're. Talking. About. Do I have to say it even slower for you?" I threw my hands in the air, my voice raising a few notches. "Seriously, what is your problem!? Why can't you ever just leave me alone? I don't even talk to you!"

That must have struck a nerve. 

Julia kicked off her heels and took three long strides until she was in my face. Her red covered toe nails sunk into the soft fresh pounds of dirt beneath our feet. I thought she'd have struck Delilah with her palm or something, but she hadn't. All she did was glare. It was an obnoxious, piercing glare that reeked of anger. 

"If you want to be an attention-seeking whore, I don't care. But I suggest you start doing it around men that aren't yours. It's not a good look on an innocent-reeking pretty girl like you," Julia spat with taunting words. 

I'd been forced to ball my fists at my sides. I could feel the nerves pulsing in my arms as I clenched and unclenched my fists.

"Julia, you have no idea what you're talking about. . ." I stated, calmly.

"I don't?" Julia straightened her back so she was towering over Delilah.  

I scoffed out a hard laugh, shaking my head. "You are unbelievable." 

Julia shot back a laugh of her own. "First, you reel in Oliver. Then, you reel in Jace. Did you fuck them too? Who's next, huh? Are you going to go behind Silvia's back and try to sleep with Jeremy?

"It'd be perfect now that they're broken up, huh? I heard it wouldn't be the first time you betrayed her. You're such a good for nothing piece of shit. All you do is walk over people to get what you want!"

My eyes widened. "Excuse me? What? Have you lost your damn mind!?"

"Damnit Delilah, don't fucking toy with me! I know what you and Thomas did. After all that swearing you did that you and him weren't messing around, I can't believe you two slept together. I swear, you're such a two-faced liar," she interrupted me, scoffing.

The snarl that followed snapped from in between her jaw, almost sounding like a growl. I would have thought all the turmoil between them started here, but this had been going on for a long time now. I knew a breaking point when I saw one.

"What? We didn't sleep together! Who told you that?" I defended.

"Don't worry about who told me that either. Just worry about the deep shit you just got yourself into. I don't appreciate you running around behind my back, messing with him." Julia placed her hands on her hips, the arch in her eyebrow raising. "How long have you two been messing with each other, huh? Since we first got together? Longer? Has he been cheating on me?"

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