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No one had been the same now that Delilah's name was out in the open again.

"Babe, what's wrong? Smile." Julia pouted and poked at Thomas' cheek. He was unresponsive, probably deep in his own head, drowning at his own will.

She and him were back on speaking terms again. It was awful. I didn't need to be near him to understand he was miserable. It spilled from his lack of energy. They'd been holding hands but that was as close as he had gotten to her all day. We'd been walking for hours already. 

"You bet your ass I'm going to get a new car this summer!" Reggie's voice shook the trees.

"Sure baby"—Wilma patted him on the back—"whatever you say." Her tone was very sarcastic and mocking. But he didn't seem to notice. The rest of the group walked ahead, talking among themselves.

Everyone was here, except Jason, who had gotten stuck working another shift today. I wouldn't have been here either if Skylar and Andrew hadn't convinced me to come out with them again. Something about hanging out and walking along the creek, was what they mentioned. It should have been calming, but Thomas looked so out of it, it was unnerving. 

I couldn't help but feel I was at fault. I should have never asked him about Delilah.

"You've been quiet during this entire walk. Is something on your mind?" Andrew strolled beside me, his hands in his pockets, and his eyes studying me. We slowed our pace, falling back further behind the group.

"No. Sorry. Just tired." I offered him a small smile. 

He saw right through my lie. His eyebrow flicked up as he stared down at me.

"Okay, I might be a little worried about him." I gestured to Thomas.

Andrew was quiet for a moment. It wasn't until he stopped and hummed in agreement, that I observed him closer. "He's been like that for a few days now. I'm not really sure what's wrong with him. I tried to get him to talk, but I can't get more than a few words out," he whispered.

If that was true, that meant Thomas was shutting the everyone out. Now, I really couldn't help but feel at fault. Was it possible that everyone else sensed Thomas' distraught too but was giving him space? No one had pointed it out. It was as if this was a normal thing for him. That made me want to tip-toe around him slower than I already had been doing. 

"Do you think he'll be okay?" I asked.

"I don't know. I seriously don't. . ." Andrew let out a sigh. I frowned. 

My gaze flicked back to Thomas and Julia. He wouldn't even fake a smile for her. But she was still hovering over him like a parasite. Her hands were tightened around the loop of his arm and her pout turned into frustration when he wouldn't cooperate. I could tell by the furrow in her eyebrows, the frown pulling at her lips, and the scrunch in her nose.

"Come on, let's catch up before they leave us." Andrew slipped his hand into mine, guiding me back to the group. I hadn't protested against it.

"Keep your eyes peeled for deer everyone! We're entering deep in deer territory," Mick announced.

He wasn't wrong. A few of their hooves were scattered along the dirt, mostly faded. I had seen two small deer in the area before we were deep in between the trees. I almost had a heart attack when they ran as soon as they heard our footsteps. It was very similar to a PTSD trigger.

As soon as that happened, I could hear gunshots going off in my head. My heart pounced on cue too. I couldn't tell what that meant. Normally, I'd never gotten jumpy around deer's, but with those two, I had. I had almost knocked Skylar down in the process.

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