Part 13- "Clowns

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It was a week later, me and Dannon have been hanging out a lot along with everyone else. Him and Oliver have been getting along since the trip to Hawaii. I wouldn't call them besties but they are at least somewhat friends. 

"Dannon I have some news" I grinned walking up to him as he stood at his locker

"And what's that?" He asked turning to face me

"We are going to a haunted house tonight" I grinned 

"Clowns?" He asked

"Of course" 

After school we met up with the rest of the group and split into cars. The drive wasn't too long to the haunted house. We all bought tickets and waited our turn. 

"I can't believe I have to do this" Dannon huffed crossing his arms across his chest

"Come on cheer up" I laughed as we walked up in line

"I'll go through with it if, you got to a party with me afterwards" He smirked

I thought for a minute before giving him a small smile and nodding my head.

Finally it was our turn to go through the haunted house, we made it about halfway through when we saw the first clown. The moment he popped out and started getting in people's faces, Dannon grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. The second clown tried touching him but stopped when he said in a threatening tone "Do I and your dead". And the last clown had a chainsaw, Dannon hurried out of there as fast as he could and went straight for the car. Luckily I caught his scared face on the camera.

Now we were headed towards the party. This would be my first one in years, so I was really nervous. I sighed and followed everyone inside trying to act as calm a they looked.

"I'll go get us some waters" Dannon smiled at me before walking or to what I assumed was the kitchen.

I followed the rest of the group towards the center of the room. After a lot of convincing, Tyler got me to dance with him. And it was fun until some random guy tried to grab my waist. I flinched away and bumped into another person which made me flinch away again. I was already starting to hyperventilate when I felt someone grab my arm and pull me out of the room. When I started calming down I realized I as in the bathroom. 

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Quit asking me that. obviously I'm not. I'm so messed up" I huffed as a few tears rolled down my cheeks.

"No your not I promise. something or someone just keeps getting in your head" He sighed pulling me into his chest. 

I'm not used to this type of feeling. Other than family I don't feel safe enough to be this close to anyone.

"let's get you home" Dannon said softly. 

He pulled me out of the bathroom and to his car. A few moments later we were driving.

"It was my dad" I said breaking the silence

"what?" He asked looking at me confused 

"4 years ago my dad started drinking. It was like over night he had flipped a switch. He lost his job and started drinking everyday, My mom threatened to leave him. That's when he started hitting us. Will was too small to do anything but he still tried which got him even more hurt. He threatened us if we tried to go to the police. One day my teacher saw a bruise on my face and reported it. They only gave him a warning though. The next day he pinned me to the bed and told me it was my punishment, a punishment that lasted for 2 years. Will had enough of it. He stood up for the last time and he called the police before my dad had gotten home that night. They busted through the door just in time to see him pushing Will to the ground. We all testified against him as he looked at us with o guilt present on his face. Only a smug smile. He's been in jail for 2 years now." I finished

"Anna.." Dannon started, I looked up to find we were in my drive way, "I didn't know that was happening"

"how could you? no one did. I only told the twins last year, and Lily a month after it happened." I gave him a small smile with tears still streaming down my face

"is that why.." His voice traveled off but I already knew the question

"Yes, my doctor calls it PTSD. It took me awhile to let my mother and Will touch me. I trusted no one. And no one but them has been able to touch me for a long time before my skin starts to crawl and the memories come back. Except you, for some reason your touch is safe and my body knows you won't hurt me." 

He stared at me a moment before leaning over the dash and quickly pulling my lips to his, just like last time. 

"I wish you didn't have to go through that." He frowned pulling away

"I wish I didn't either."

"My parents.. they were murdered" He started as he looked away from me, "It was a home invasion. They thought we weren't there but we were. My mom wanted to go see a movie that night, she even sent max to Lena's to stay. But I ended up getting sick. I was upstairs in bed and they were downstairs watching a movie. I heard their screams and ran down. They didn't know I was there either and one got scared and fired his gun before running out. He shot me in the arm" 

Dannon pulled his sleeve up to reveal and white circle on his arm, "The neighbors must have heard the yelling and called the police. The next thing I know I woke up in a hospital bed with my aunt and not my parents."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were there when it happened" I frowned up at him 

"No one does, for my own safety my aunt decided to keep that part out of the news because the guys weren't caught."

"Are they caught now?"

"Yes, a year ago they were caught in the town over."

I gave him a small smile and he returned it. Dannon isn't really what the world has made him out to be. 

The porch light to my house turned on making  us turn and look at the door. A grin spread on my face and I threw the door open and ran to hug my brother. 

"Hi AK" He laughed hugging me back.

"What are you doing here" I laughed pulling back and smacking his arm

"Mom said you have been having a hard time so I talked to my teachers and I can do online school for the next month or so." He shrugged like it was no big deal

"seriously? I'm fine. I can handle things on my own Will"

"Apparently you're not alone" He eyed Dannon who somehow ended up behind me

"Oh yeah, um Will you know Danny here, he is my new friend" I said laughing a little 

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