Part 12-"blood"

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It was a week after vacation, by now October had rolled around and the fest ivies have started. I haven't seen Dannon since we got back, school work has been a lot to catch up on recently.

"Do we have to go today?" Lily groaned from the back of the car

"It's school obviously" Oliver sighed

They have been a lot closer since Hawaii. Now that's taking awhile to get used to.

We pulled into the school parking lot and in front of us stood Dannon and his two friends as they leaned against his car. His eyes met mine as I got out and he smiled and made his way towards me.

"Just the girl I've been looking for." He said finally stopping in front of me

"And why's that?" I raise and eyebrow

"We have another part of that project to do today" 

"which part?" 

"You'll see after school" He winked and walked off towards the school with Tyler following, Hero stayed behind talking to McKenna.

We made our way into school on time. I was in my last class and sat in the back on the aisle like always, but this time someone sat in the other sea. I turned to find Amber glaring at me.

She reached out an grabbed my arm tightly, "You need to stay the hell away from my boyfriend. He clearly doesn't like you so get the hint" she dug her nails into my arm.

My heart was beating fast and I tried prying her hand off of me but when she wouldn't budge I started hyperventilating. 

"See your just as pathetic as they rest of your friends" She grinned and finally let go

I darted out of my chair and ran out of the room towards the bathroom ignoring the teachers calls. As I turned the corner I ran into a hard chest as someone steadied me, I knew who it was by the safe feeling I got.

"Hey, Hey look at me." Dannon said  

I looked up and met his eyes, He looked worried 

"what happened?" he asked

"Amber" Is all I could get out

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me out of school into his car. I didn't ask where he was taking me I just sat silently. Soon we pulled into a little diner. I followed him in and we sat at a table in the back.

"What did she say?" He asked tilting his head to the side

"she just told me to stay away from you and dug her nails in my arm" I sighed showing him the marks

He frowned as he examined my arm, turning it back and forth.

"I'm sorry. When I say she's Psychotic I really mean it." He sighed finally letting go

"It's fine. I understand. She thinks there is something going on between us" I frowned 

"I-" He started to speak before a woman came up to take our order

Thankfully that ended the conversation even though he was pissed. when we left the restaurant he promised to talk to her. Soon we pulled into a hospital and Dannon pulled his camera out.

"um, why are we here?" I asked confused

"fear of blood" he said slightly laughing

"I'm going to stare at blood?"

"no we are going to be giving blood"


After an hour of arguing and paper work we are finally sitting in a chair as a nurse prepared to stick a needle in me. She rubbed it with alcohol and the rubbed my arm, I reached for Dannon's hand as he recorded.

"It's not bad I promise, Just think about all of the people you will be saving with your blood." Dannon said with a small smile

All I could do was give him a small smile right before I slammed my eyes shut and bit my lip as the nurse dug the needle into my arm. 

"I'll be back in a few minutes when you are done" The nurse said as I heard her walk off

"open your eyes Anna" Dannon said softly

I slowly opened my eyes an looked down at my arm where I could see the blood going through the tube, my stomach started to turn and suddenly I felt sick. I immediately reached down and grabbed the trash can at my feet, thankfully I made it into the trash can and no where else. 

"um.. are you okay?" He asked as he stepped back slightly 

"told you I don't like blood" I frowned 

The nurse came rushing back and immediately took the needle out of my arm, she gave me juice, a cookie, and luckily a mint before releasing me. 

"That was hilarious!" Dannon busted out laughing once we got into the car

"No it wasn't! It was humiliating" I huffed and covered my face

"No I thought it was cute" He smiled coming closer to me

I looked up and met his eyes, we sat like that for a moment before he finally leaned forward and captured my lips with his own. His hand traveled up to cup my cheek and my hands fell on his chest. It last for a few minutes until we both pulled away and he rested his forehead on mine with a small smile on his face. A moment later he fully pulled away and started driving.

"We should get you home." is all he said 

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