50. Jelly Jelly

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One week had passed by after Raashid's coronation and all the international guests were starting to leave.

Including Hayden.

And before he left, he made sure to throw a bomb at the Perinius family.

"I can't believe it." Seanna muttered as she looked at the golden letter with a purple sword seal.

The seal of the Western Kingdom.

"Wow....this is so unexpected." I muttered as I read the contents of the letter alongside Seanna. Father, mother and Aiden reading over our shoulders.

It was a marriage proposal.

Hayden wanted to marry Seanna.

Normally, I would've started squealing, shrieking and happy dancing with Seanna, that is, if that guy weren't Hayden.

I really hate that guy.

And Seanna likes him.

She has a weird taste in boys.

"Unbelievable." Aiden muttered while mother grumbled, "I thought he liked Adailia."

Father was quite while we read the letter once again, to make sure we were actually reading it correctly.

"Seanna, " he started, as we all turned our attention to him, "Do you want to accept the proposal?"

Seanna blushed and lowered her head, "I-I don't know...I'll have to have a word with Hayden first."

Father nodded, "I don't have any problem with giving you time to think on such an important decision but that sneaky fox told you to give a reply by the end of the week."

"And that same sneaky fox wrote that he'll be taking you to the western kingdom as soon as you agree. Meaning we'll have no time for a proper farewell." Aiden grumbled sadly.

"And that handsome sneaky fox is a prince of another kingdom and we'll have to inform our emperor about your departure to another kingdom if you agree since it will be an inter-imperial marriage." Mother said, surprisingly sensibly.

"Buuuuut that sneaky fox with a crooked nose is a flirty ass bastard who can cheat on Seanna any time, so she shouldn't agree at all! Right?" I pointed out that important point.

Mother gave me a disapproving look, "Adailia, let Seanna decide that for herself. She's the one getting married, not you."

I rolled my eyes, "It was just a mere suggestion. Besides, we all know that concubines are allowed by the laws there. I just don't want to see Seanna suffer a heartbreak later on." I said, genuinely worried about her.

Father nodded, "Lia has a point there, but your mother is right. We can't decide these things for Seanna."

Aiden nodded, "Take your time, Anna. And whatever you decide later on we'll be okay with it. I just hope you won't regret it." Aiden gave her an understanding smile and Seanna gave him a slight smile in return.

A knock on the door broke that smile as a butler entered.

"Lord Aiden, Lady Jasmine is here to visit you." He said and Aiden beamed.

"I'll be going then, farewell." He said with a goofy grin and I couldn't help but smile at the dork.

"Adailia, I want you to go to a diner in five hours." Mother suddenly said, "And you have to look pretty, I specially ordered a dress for you on this occasion."

"What occasion mother?" I asked as I kept down the book I was reading.

Mother looked around and motioned me to come closer, then she whispered in my ear, "To meet the man of your dreams!"

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