25. You Stink

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I sat on the bench staring out of the window as students started filling the room.

And out of nowhere, I recollected the conversation I had with Ajhussi two weeks ago, making me want to bang my head on the table.

"Your sister."

I was so shocked, I literally choked on my beer, giving the old man a chance to hit my back (the bastard hit so hard I thought my backbone would crack).

"What the fuck did you just say?" I choked out.

"I said your sister took all your books after you died." He repeated slapping his hand a few more times on my back before sliding it down to his side.

I stared at him in horror," All of my books were romance which had smut in it! Oh my God! She can't read those!"

"It won't be that bad." Ajhussi said before smirking, "As long as she doesn't read your yaoi collection."

My face paled.

"Oh my fucking God!!!! She definitely can't read those. It has intense smut in it!"

"Shouldn't you be happy? Your sister is following your footsteps." He mocked me.

"Hell no! I read my first smut when I was fifteen! She is ten for god's sake!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, early education." He said, shrugging.

"Shut up." I said and chugged down another glass.

Calm down Haeun, He would be messing with me for all I know. Let's change the topic.

"Hey..... I still kinda don't understand any of this soul and reincarnation shit." I said, ordering another glass of beer.

"Yeah well, it's complicated." He said, shrugging.

"No, it's nothing I can't understand. It's just that you suck at explaining." I countered

"Oh of course!" He rolled his eyes, "See I'm gonna say whatever I'm allowed to say and will explain to you the best I can. So keep quiet and try to listen. I don't know how much your drunk brain can process."

I nodded and he took a deep breath before explaining.

"You weren't supposed to die yet. And I was supposed to make sure of that but because I'm an 'irresponsible and insensitive prick' you got into an accident. And just before you died, I swapped your soul with Adailia's because her soul was evil and could be sent to hell earlier than her death time while yours wasn't. So basically Adailia's soul in your body dies while your soul in Adailia's body survives." He takes a deep breath, "Do you understand?"

I did.

I scoffed, "What's the point in transferring my soul in Adailia's body when I'm gonna die in her body anyway?" I asked, gulping down my beer. And slowly, I started to see two Ajhussis.

"Oh no, you won't." He said confidently.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "How are you so sure about that?"

He paused for a second as if thinking about an excuse, "Well because, you have me! I will protect you and make sure you survive these six months without dying." He said.

I scoffed again, "Sorry but I don't trust -"

I blacked out after that and the next day I was on my bed in my room. And guess what.

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